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TW: death

The forest was quiet.

The boy, no older than 15, walked carefully and quietly, not wanting to startle anything that was nearby.

He walked through the dirt that was pushed up by something that had crashed through here. He caught a glimpse of something big and black and quickly hid behind a rock.

He breathed heavily and braced himself before looking over the rock.

A big black dragon laid tangled in ropes and metal, completely defenseless.

The boy walked over to it while carefully examining it to make sure it was dead.

"I did it?" He asked himself once he was almost certain the dragon was dead. "Yes!" He shouted and placed a foot on the beast's leg while beaming proudly. "I have managed to kill this mighty bea-"

The dragon suddenly moved its leg and sent the boy back into a rock. He breathed heavily while looking at the dragon as it breathed heavily.

The boy walked back over to the dragon and found that it had opened its big green eyes. He looked into its eyes and saw fear. The dragon was terrified because it knew he could kill it.

The boy raised his knife and avoided the dragon's gaze. He heard it make a whining noise and he looked back at it again. It was looking at him with what looked like human emotion.

He lifted the knife and drove it into the beast's heart. The beast roared with all its might and struggled against the knife.

The boy put more pressure on the knife and twisted it. The beast continued to struggle and roar before finally succumbing to its inevitable fate.

Its head dropped to the ground and it stopped breathing.

Grimmel smiled and ran a hand through his white hair. He had just killed a Night Fury. The offspring of lightning and death. He would be a hero in the village when he came home with its heart, maybe he could get some of the stronger villagers to get the entire beast once he showed off its heart.

He thought back to the girl in his village that never decided to spare him a second glance. This would surely make him interesting. He would be a hero, if she didn't want to be with him he could always force her if he gets the recognition he deserves.

He looked at the dead beast on the ground and smiled. This would be the beginning of an amazing career.

Some year's later

A cry filled the air.

The midwives were quick to wrap the small swirling baby in a blanket after cleaning it off. They handed the baby to its mother who was panting and sweating, trying to recover from what she just did.

"It is a girl," the midwife that held the child said as she handed her to her mother.

The mother looked down at her child once she was placed in her arms.

"Hi," she said with a smile as she looked at her scrunched-up face as she slowly calmed down. The baby cooed once she opened two icy blue eyes - just like her father's - and looked up at her mother.

"She has her father's eyes," one of the midwives said, slight fear etched in her voice.

"That she has," the mother said, looking down at her daughter lovingly.

"What will you name her?" The other midwife asked.

The mother was about to answer when a figure appeared at the door.

"Frida," it said.

The mother stayed quiet and nodded.

The figure stepped into the light and walked over to the mother and child.

"Welcome to the world Frida," he said in a voice stripped of emotion.

He then looked at the mother.

"Hope you had a good hunt," she said as she looked at his slightly bloody clothes. "Grimmel."

A/N: hope you enjoyed this, it is the prologue to this whole story. It isn't that long because I just want you guys to get a kind of feel. Most of the story will be told from Frida's POV. (Grimmel doesn't get any kind of sob story because he doesn't deserve one.)

Stay healthy and drink some water. I love you all, and I hope you know that you deserve any kind of love people give to you. 🥰❤💖

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