Romantic flight

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TW: mention of abuse.

Hope you enjoy. And you can listen to the music at the end of the chapter.

"So you are finally going to tell me what you have been up to?" Freya asked excitedly as they walked through the forest hand in hand.

"Yes. And remember what I told you..."

"No screaming, no touching, no running away and keep it a secret," Freya said. She was practically jumping with excitement as they walked.

"Yes," Frida laughed.

They continued to walk through the forest making casual conversations.

"How is your jaw?" Freya asked after a while.

Frida touched her jaw but flinched at the pain. Grimmel had been in a bad mood and Frida had spoken back to him. She had gotten a first to the jaw and a half swing of the belt right across her still healing burnt wound. That was two days ago.

She still couldn't believe Grimmel had basically marked her as a part of something.

"It hurts a little to speak, but it is bearable," Frida responded.

"If it hurts too much, don't speak. And tell me if kissing also hurts," Freya said.

Frida pressed her lips to Freya's in a long kiss as they slowly stopped. She turned fully and Freya wrapped her arms around her neck and deepened the kiss. Frida's hands found Freya's waist as they continued to kiss openly in the forest. If anyone came, they would discover them immediately.

"It doesn't hurt that much," Frida said once they pulled apart.

Freya chuckled and shook her head. They continued to walk until they reached the waterfall.

"Did you want to show me a waterfall?" Freya asked confused.

"Not the waterfall, but what's behind it," Frida said and lead Freya to the path that took them to the cave.

Freya seemed amazed by the path and even more so when she saw the cave. Frida carefully walked into the cave with Freya trailing a little behind, still holding onto her hand.

"Shadow, bud, I want you to meet someone," Frida said softly once they were completely inside the cave.

"Who is Shadow?" Freya asked while chuckling.

"You'll see," Frida responded.

After a few seconds, Frida saw the big dragon come out of the shadows. He sniffed the air curiously as he came closer to them.

Frida heard Freya take a deep breath and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Remember, no screaming," she said.

Freya looked at her like she was crazy. She said something but it was muffled against Frida's palm.

Freya ripped Frida's hand off her. "You expect me not to scream when I see a bloody Night Fury?" She whisper-shouted.

"You are doing it now princess," Frida said while smiling.

Freya's cheeks were red and she had an adorable pout.

Frida saw how Freya's eyes widened and she looked behind her. Shadow was standing there while looking at Freya curiously.

"He just wants to get to know you," Frida said and lead Freya's hand to Shadow.

"What are you doing!?" Freya shouted resisting Frida's grip on her wrist.

"Let him smell your hand. Relax, I am right here. I wouldn't be doing this if I thought it would be dangerous," Frida reassured her.

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