How to take care of your dragon

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A/N: sorry for being late, I was on a trip. Here is an extra-long chapter for y'all as an apology. (I am currently sitting at a chilis🌶)

T/W: blood.

Frida woke up early. Way too early. The sun wasn't even up.

She looked around her room as she stretched her arms and yawned. She had to get out to the forest to help the dragon and get some food for him.

Frida got out of bed and quickly dressed in some warm clothes. When it was winter basically all year you would think that you would be adapted, but the thing was, it was always different. Sometimes it was freeze-to-death cold, others wear-a-thick-jacket cold, and others it was pleasantly cold. On rare occasions, there was sun and warm weather, which was mostly in the middle of the summer.

The day before yesterday had been beautiful, but today seemed like the usual cold and gloomy day of early winter.

Frida finally got on her thick boots and carefully walked down the stairs. Luckily, no sound was made, but now she had to go through the sneak-preventing door.

Grimmel would hear her sneak out from miles away if she went through that door. And she did not fancy telling her father she would go out to help an injured dragon, an injured Night Fury at that.

She went to the back of the house and exited the back door. It wasn't quiet but it was quieter than the front door.

Frida stepped out of the house and carefully closed the door behind her. It didn't make a sound. She sighed in relief and watched as her breath turned to smoke.

It had snowed during the night, and the ground was covered in a blanket of white, powdered snow.

The snow crunched under Frida's boots as she walked over to the lake that was a little walk away from her house.

Frida reached the lake after 30 minutes of walking, a crystally blanket covering the top. It was beautiful. The lake was big, you would need a boat to get over to the other side unless you wanted to walk around it which would take hours.

There was a small shed there that was used to keep fishing rods and baskets to carry the fish back to the village.

Frida walked to the shed and got out a fishing rod, a basket, and a knife. She walked out and walked over to a snow-covered stool at the shore of the lake. Frida brushed the snow off the stool and sat down on the cold wood.

She sat there, fishing, for about an hour before the basket was filled to the brim with the different fish that lived in the lake.

Frida washed the fishing rod and placed it back in the shed. She washed the knife as well but decided to bring it for safety in case the dragon decided he wanted more than fish for breakfast.

Frida walked back to the basket full of fish and slung it over her shoulder before walking towards the cave. She didn't find the basked heavy at all, it was actually a little light.

The walk to the cave behind the waterfall lasted at least 40 minutes and when she got there the sun was up. She walked into the cave to find the dragon laying on his stomach. His broken wing laying out flat.

Frida could see how his small nose scrunched as he sniffed the air. He opened a gorgeous blue eye and stared at Frida with curiosity.

"I brought some food," she said and placed the basket down. He lifted his head and sniffed in her direction before growling, his pupils turning into thin slits. "What?" He growled again and looked at her waist, where she had hidden the knife. She took it out and he growled again.

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