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It was a dark dark night. The moon was blocked by clouds and the lights in the streets of Konoha were all turned off. Only one was.  It was the inside light from a small apartment of a blonde boy. The blonde, called Naruto Uzumaki, was packing his large mountain backpack. His scar covered hands gently and orderly put multiple scrolls, his iconic clothes that he loved, a few cups of ramen and the singular water bottle he had inside the bag. He then walked over to his desk, pulled out a scroll from his pocket and placed it on his desk. He sighed. He closed the lights and left the house. The walls and door were covered in graffiti of slurs towards him.




Child murderer



Naruto took a good look at the graffitis. Tears rolled down his cheeks, who had small marks and scars from the multitude of punches he received. An overwhelming pain in his chest came over him, making fall to his knees. Tears came pourring out of his eyes as he silently cried. Just how he did all those times before. His heart was racing, his skin began to burn up and his nails grew into sharp claws.

"You want me gone don't you? You would love it if I left this hell. You wouldn't bat an eye. Fine, for once I will do something you want..."

His nails retracted back as he stared at his hands. A massive line right in the middle of his palms. His fingers had smaller ones from all the times his bones would break free and stick out from his skin. He lifted up his sleeve and looked at all the other massive and small scars he acquired during his years in his personal hell. Glass from broken beer bottles, bowls, pots and the usual kunai were thrown at him every single day. And he couldn't do anything about it. All the times he called out for help, he was beaten even more. And even if he had good times with his teammate Sasuke, there's was only one memory that kept him here. The only happy memory he had, the only memory which kept him from leaving earlier was one that started with pain but didn't end with it. A small girl wrapped his cuts and stabs. She also treated his burnt marks and gave him new clothes. But Naruto's eyes were closed during it all, as glass got into his eyes and a few members of the crowd threw bleach and salt at his face and body. He only heard her voice.

"...please don't die..."

And now that he revisits his painful memory lane as he rubbed his scars, he could only think about her. And how sorry he is he doesn't even know her face and who she truly was.

As he walked down the quiet and dark streets of the village, his visit down memory lane didn't stop. He saw all the corners he used to confuse the hoard of people chasing after him. All the dark alley that were used to corner him and torture him and hide his lifeless, blood soaked body. He stopped at one, one in particular. The one where that small girl helped him. Heard him. Saved him.

He reached and arrived at his school. His mind began to recount all the times he was called a loser. A Failure. A Disgrace. He saw the swing that gave him so much comfort but yet so much pain. It proved to everyone and himself the truth of it all: He is alone and always will be. He picked up the pace, trying not to stay out in the open for too long to not be noticed but someone noticed him. By faith or coincidence, she followed him as he walked past the gate and onto the road.


That voice. He knew it was her but didn't dare to turn around to stare at her. It would've done more bad than good.

"What are you doing out so late?" She asked him.

"I can ask you the same thing..."

"You are not leaving....right?"

"It's what everyone wants. They want me gone."

"Not me! Please Naruto stay! I understand what you are feeling-"

"You understand what's it like being called a demon!? Stabbed and beating to death everyday! Being the village ash tray as they keep putting out their cigarettes on you!-"

"I might not know what it's like being beaten or called a demon but I know what's it like being alone! Being called a failure...being an outcast...everyones steppingstone without realizing it....Being forgotten until they need someone to make fun of and then forgotten again."

".....Please just-"

"You might not know but you are my light Naruto! Your smile, your laugh, your constant speak of achieving your dreams-"

"That's all fake-"

"Fake or not it makes me happy at the end of the day! I know this is so selfish of me trying to keep you in this hell but please stay Naruto.....I beg of you Naruto..."

Naruto finally turned around to look at her. She was crying. Her eyes were closed as she was on her knees. Naruto finally saw who saved him. The girl he owes everything to. He couldn't stop himself from letting his own tears fall down. He slowly walk up to her and hugged her. But the happiness the girl received was short lived as Naruto hit her in the back of the neck, knocking her out. Naruto was decided but it still didn't stop him from crying more tears he didn't want to show her. He placed her on the bench on the path. Gently and comfortably, he laid her down on the bench and put his favourite blanket: a black one made out of pure cotton onto of her. He also took out one of his shirts, bawling it up into a ball, and placing it under her head, giving her a sort of pillow. He gently played with her hair as he wiped the last tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry......

Thank you


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