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2 years have passed since Naruto left the Village.

Naruto, and with another person from The Village In The Flowers, was cutting down trees and chopping wood.

"Hey Naruto, I'll go and get us some water, I'll be back"

"Alright! Thanks"

They left, leaving Naruto all alone. He was wearing what seem to be his old orange jacket but it wasn't. Just another orange jacket he luckily found in one of the stores in the village. It was all orange for only the very ends of the sleeves and bottom that were black instead. It was fully unbuttoned and open, showing his bare chest. It had smudges of dirt and glistening from his sweat. But shininess from the sweat outline his pecks and newly trained abs. Wood chips covered his black pants. His hands had new scars: but they were all terrible splinters he had received from carrying wood constantly. His orange sleeves also had many wood chips on it but Naruto dusted them off vigorously. Naruto wasn't wearing his headband but left it instead dangling on his neck. It was clean and kept in good condition.

After taking a small break, to stretch and yawn, Naruto grabbed his axe and went back to chop down the chosen tree. His physical strength has increased and with ease could chop trees by himself.

But Naruto sensed something. A faint crack in the forest put him on edge and his shinobi senses kicked in. They were correct as a kunai came flying straight at him. Holding the axe with one hand, he deflected the kunai onto the ground. Many more kunai were thrown at him and with ease, he deflected them all and even caught one with his hand.

"I see you're still sharp Naruto"

An old and wise voice spoke out from the trees. Naruto release the tension as he recognized the voice. He chuckled slightly.


"It's good to see you're doing fine Naruto"

One of the Three Sanin, the Sage of Toads, Master Jiraya appeared in the vision of Naruto. He was still the same and Naruto smiled when he saw him.

"How did you find me?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Well you are still part of The Toads of Mount Myoboku with the contract you signed. They can locate anyone with a contract to them."

"So why are you the only one to find me?"

"I've been helping in the shadows." He winked.

Naruto clicked his tongue smiling and thought of what to say before asking.


"Because you are my student and I respect your decision." The Old man spoke, with a reassuring smile and in the eyes of Naruto, he saw a grand father he could trust and one that cared for him.

Naruto ran towards him and hugged his old master. They returned hugs and pats.

"You should write back. Many people miss you."

"I'll judge that for myself"

"That's alright, take your time Naruto..."

Jiraya turned around as he sensed someone coming.

"But don't take too long." He finished.

They both chuckled and waved at each other as Jiraya disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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