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The rain was now light. Sasuke looked up at the clearing sky and the small ripples the raindrops were making on the lake. His saw the small fishes swimming around, happy for the uncommon rain that was blessing them. He smiled at their happiness. To him, rain was annoying and felt too common. But to those little fishes, who had almost nothing compared to him, felt an unimaginable amount of happiness for such an uncommon moment.

"3 years" He told himself. "Is that how it feels to be a fish. Waited for so long for something that might never arrive but you want it to come sooner. And when it does, it fills you up with such feelings that you never want it to end" He asked to himself and fish who kept on swimming round and round, not being capable to understand his thoughts.

"Maybe" Another voice spoke out.

Shocked but composed, Sasuke turned around and saw him. His teammate. His rival. His old friend.

"So, you finally decided to visit" he jokingly said, trying to hide his true emotions as he always does.

"Thought it was a perfect day for it"

Sasuke laughed as he stood up.

"Of course it wasn't planned"

"Come on Sasuke, you know me"

"Well I thought maybe three years would change you" Sasuke said in a optimistic tone as he walked closer and closer to Naruto.

Naruto laughed as he opened his arms wide and hugged Sasuke. In a brotherly fashion, Naruto patted his back and head.

"I missed ya" Naruto told him.

"I missed you too. You would be surprised how different things were and are when you left"

"I imagined but didn't think too much of it."

"You still believe their weren't your friends?"

"A big part of me does but I had alot of times to think and decided to forgive them. Frankly, not many of them knew."

"Well you kept it hidden surprisingly well."

"So I was told" Naruto chuckled thinking all the times he had horrible splinters but kept them hiding as if they were nothing.

Sasuke asked the true question.

"Are you staying?"

"No. I built the base of my home out there. I came to get the final piece"

Sasuke nodded as he understood what he was talking.

"Well I'm going to miss you Naruto."

"Don't worry, I'll write to you."

"That would be nice"

They both smiled at each other.

"You know Sasuke, our roles could've easily been switched"

"And something tells me you wouldn't have stopped to look for me"

"And I would've ended with a massive hole in my body"

"That's...oddly specific"

"I have very vivid dreams"

They both laughed and hugged each other for the last time.

"Goodbye Naruto. Live a good life"

"I will. Goodbye Sasuke"

Sasuke stared off the distance as he saw Naruto run towards a certain brunette. He hugged and kissed her before they took eachother hands and secretly walked through the gates without the guards, who were sleeping, seeing them. Sasuke smiled.

He saw Naruto's calluses and scars on his hand slowly disappear as he held on Tenten soft and gentle hand.

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