A New Beginning

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It's been 5 months now. Winter has come. When I first left, I created a small hut of wood and leaves, mostly to protect me from the burning sun and use as camouflage. And also for the occasional rain here and there. But when the first cold winter breeze arrived, my small hutt is not going to help me stay warm. So I began to walk and walk. And walk for I don't know how long until I reached a small village. When I first arrived, they saw I was from Konoha due to my headband and asked me my intentions. I told them I was exploring and need a place to stay for winter. They looked at me, questioning if I was being honest but they let me in after a short talk. As I walked around, it felt comfortable. Comforting and relaxing. The small cold breezes blowing my hair and dirty clothes. The laughter and screams of small children running around, playing with each other as their parents looked at them with wide smiles. They were playing tag. One bumped into me and weakly hit my stomach, screaming "Tag you're it!". He had a wide smile as every other kid began to runaway laughing. Still holding all my bags, I started laughing to, running towards and trying to tag them. Lucky kids, if it weren't for my heavy bags I would've easily tagged them all. Without me realizing, I became friends with the kids. I know their names and they know mine. Their parents came to pick them and we all said goodbye. The parents smiled and waved at me. They didn't mind I was with them.

I was tired, exhausted and quickly realized I haven't looked to see if I can rent a place to stay. I run through the small streets of the village and found a hotel. It was pretty expensive but I still paid and went to my room. It was just a bed, desk and a restroom that had a toilet and shower. Good enough, nothing to complain. I dropped my bags and organized everything. I rented this room, telling the owner I would be willing to work for it and helping around the village. He agreed and I have to cut wood tomorrow morning. I'm in my pyjamas now and couldn't sleep. This whole day as left me wondering why I haven't left earlier. Everyone is so nice to me. They don't whisper about me. They don't attack me. And I feel free.

But this feeling doesn't go away. I miss her. I miss her so much. And I miss going out on mission with my team, even with Sakura there. I promised Sasuke to come back and visit someday but I don't know when I will have the courage and strength to do so.

I hope Tenten is doing okay. I don't know how she took it. This whole news about me leaving. But it's already being 5 months I left. Maybe she forgot about me? Maybe she was convinced by everyone else to forget about me? Maybe even Sasuke? I don't know and I don't want to know really. I just wish them the best.

A small part of me wants to know how everyone is doing. Fine, bad, good or unchanged. Did they try to find me? Sasuke did and that's why I promised him to come back someday. And maybe he already found about Tenten but again, I don't know. But I want to know.

I should go to sleep now, I have alot of work tomorrow and I want to wake up refreshed and not half dead.

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