He Promised

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Tenten was standing in the middle of her room. It was tidy in some areas and disorganized in others. Nothing but her carpet and indoor sandals were found on her floor. But her desk were covered in scrolls, maps of the world, empty food plates and a ripped scroll that was opened. She sighed. She sat down on her chair and started read books about sealing scrolls. But her mind couldn't stop thinking about him. She stood up and opened her window for fresh air. It stressed her not knowing where he was or if he was safe. But she knew he was strong and could easily take care of himself.

She remembered a small discussion she had with Hiruzen before he passed. He came to visit all the genin that lost in the semi-finals.

"Oh, H-Hello Lord Hokage"

"Hello Tenten, how are you?"

"My back hurts but it's-" She groaned in pain. "It's- nothing"

"Doesn't seem like it's 'nothing', you shouldn't be ashamed of showing you are hurt"

"Yeah well, I know someone who's been through worst."

"Really? Worst then almost breaking your back and dying?"

"Yeah, worst"

"Hmm. You're strength yet stubbornness reminds of someone..."



"I remind you of him?"

"Yes. He is one strong kid. I've been told in many missions he would get knocked down but get back up multiple times and shrug off injuries that would be fatal to most as if it was nothing. Keeping that bright of smile of his."

"Really..." She knew the reason why.

"Yes. And when he was younger, he wasn't allowed to buy inside most grocery stores so he began to fish his own food and made it himself. Learnt to make fire to warm himself during cold nights"

"What?! How was that allowed to happen?!"

"Oh don't worry, every single one that did such thing are....let's say out of business"

"Oh, well that's good. They deserve that."

Hiruzen smiled, seeing how Tenten cared for Naruto.

"Well I'll leave you to recover now."

"Thank you Lord Hokage"

Tenten was leaning out of the window, breathing in the cold breeze of the night and remembering things she kept to herself.

But she felt closed in. A sudden claustrophobia invaded her senses and made her frantically go outside for a walk. She announced this to her parents who didn't even look at her before saying a bland "okay".

Outside, she found a bench and sat down. The night wasn't as dark as that night. The moon was clear and every house had their lights on. Cheers could be heard and laughters were plenty. This felt off for Tenten. Never the village seemed this happy yet hollow before. An explained anger started to grow inside of her.

"Mind if I take a seat?"

Popping her bubble, Tenten awoke from her thoughts and her anger deminished. She turned to the voice and saw Sasuke, standing to the other side of the bench. She hesitated but nodded, making Sasuke smile and sitting down.

"What are you doing out so late?" He asked her.

"I could ask you the same thing..." She answered, not looking at him.

"I came to clear up some things" He stated with a sigh. "You're her aren't you?"

"Yeah. I am. I think it's obvious now because of today"

"I see now. Makes sense now. You being the last one to seen him. And you're sudden change of personality ever since he left."

"Yeah well congrats, you figured it out. What now? You're going to arrest me for falling in love with The Village's Demon-"

She tried to make a sarcastic joke but accidentally confessed her feelings.

"No, I wasn't planning on that."

"So what's the point?"

He reached for his pockets and pulled out the shredded piece of Naruto's letter and gave it to her.

"I'm guessing you have the letter in your possession so her is the rest of it. Hope that's enough to prove my intentions."

She quickly read it and held it delicately in her hands, turning away to hide her tears. Sasuke stood up from the bench.

"Well, Goodnight Tenten-"

"Do you think he will ever come back?"

There was a small silence but a needed and necessary silence. Sasuke gave a comforting smile.

"He promised me he will"

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