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"Hmmm, seems like a storm is coming"

Might Guy looked up at the growing dark and grey clouds in the sky. A cold wind was felt as tiny water drops fell on his face.

"Do we camp it out?" Neji asked.

"No! We should keep going! No rain can or should stop your firey youth! Onwards Team!"

Might Guy spoke out in his usual over excited tone which annoyed two of his three students. Neji sighed as Tenten summoned two umbrellas, giving one to Neji. He thanked her.

They started walking and the rain started to fall. It fell on the team hard with no mercy.

"Sensei I think we should stop-"

"Nonsense! We are almost there! Work those youthful legs and keep moving onwards!"


"Hey Grandma"

Naruto walked down from upstairs. He was putting on his orange jacket and kept open as he was wearing a black shirt underneath it. He went over and kissed the old lady in the cheeks before going to the door, grabbing his shoes and putting them on.

"Oh hello Naruto, horrible weather we are having today hm?"

"Yeah but I'm heading out"

"Oh? To where?"

"I'm going back..."

"Oh...Are you coming back?"

"I don't know but I think it's time..."

"Three years go by quick don't they?"

"They do..."

"Well, whatever choice you make, it will be the right one."

"Thank you Grandma"

He grabbed a straw hat that she had made for him and a creamy white coat before opening the door. Rain was pouring down and small lakes were created in the mud.

"Safe travels Naruto" She spoked as he walked out and closed the door.

Naruto walked along the road that was built shortly after his arrival to the village. It had grown since he arrived and so did the population. He saw the small children that he met when first arrived now in their young adolescence. They waved at him as he waved back.

Thanks to his straw hat and coat, he was kept dry from the unmerciful rain as the village soon was lost from his eyes. A thick rain fog settled.

"I probably could've picked a better day to come back" He told himself as he kept on walking.

But it was the perfect day.


Team Guy were drenched but they still had a long way to arrive back home. Tenten's umbrellas could only protect for so long before they broke from the dangerously strong rain. They were cold but Might Guy persisted to keep going. Saying rain builds up character and endurance. Even Rock Lee was tired.

Tenten, shivering, looked around to make sure they weren't followed. In such a weak state her team was in, they were calling to be ambushed. As she turned to her right, she saw a bright figure. They were hidden behind a tree but their straw hat and white coat was easily seen in the grey darkness of the forest. Tenten blinked and she locked eyes with the figure. She froze and stared intensely, not believing her eyes. She blinked again and the figure disappeared, leaving no trace of their existence. But Tenten knew what she saw. She knew who it was. But a part of her didn't believe it.

"Tenten, are you alright?" Neji asked, seeing her standing far away from them as she stopped following them.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." She said coldly, running back to her team.

"Come on, we are only 5 hours away from home!" Might Guy screamed.


"We are here!"

Might Guy screamed as his team finally made it to their village's gate. The two guards at the gate woke up from the sheer volume, falling from the chairs and groaning in pain.

Before Might Guy could give his speech about how proud he is of his team and how great the mission went, they all began to run to their homes, tired and sick from the pourring rain that hasn't stop. Rock Lee went to his house and Neji did so too. Tenten took a different route.


Naruto admired the clean wall. It was a blue tinted grey and it was spotless. Small cracks and tiny holes could be seen and felt, as Naruto glided his hand through them. The floor was clean from glass shards and dust was nowhere to be seen. It smelled clean: the smell of soft lavender and flowers overpowered every other smell around. Naruto reached his hand towards the door knob and turned. It was unlocked.

He walked in and was shock to find his apartment completely cleaned aswell. The carpet had no old box of milk or empty cups of noodles. No dishes yet the fridge had a few items. Mainly cold drinks. As he closed the fridge, he walked over to his room. His bed was made, his closet was filled with his old clothes, now too small for him. His desk was sort of cleaned, a few of his crolls were still in there original place when he left and his team picture was free from any dust or cobwebs. He smiled as he looked at Sasuke.

He went make to the living room, right infront of the closed door, and took everything all in. He was speechless and confused. But clarity will soon come to him.


Tenten, sighing, walked up the flights of stairs. Her scroll felt heavier than usual and her clothes were tightly stuck to her due to the rain. Dirt and mud made it all the way to her knees and small specks were on her face. Finally making up the stairs, she reached the door and opened it, to relax and take a break-

There he was. Standing right infront of her. He turned around and froze when he saw her. Their eyes lock. Her creamy brown eyes stared right back into his clear sky blue eyes. A spark was felt in both of their hearts. Tears began to grow and spill out from their eyes. She dropped her scrolls and ran towards him. He caught her and they both to their knees. Their tears falling in sync. His grasp was tight and hers was tightier. Their warm hug started to dry her clothes. He pulled away from the hug and stared at her face. After 3 years, he was finally able to look her in her eyes in such a personal manner. He rubbed her cheeks, removing the dirt that found itself there and smiled. She smiled back, grabbing his hand and tightly squeezing it. He went back into the hug.

"I waited so long for this moment" She told him.

"I'm sorry for the wait" He said to her, sorrow lacing the words.

They hugged for hours. They talked. Caught up on what happened. And they made a plan at the end.

"Are you sure?"

"I know what I should've said that night. I should've asked to go with you, not make you stay"

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