My Parting Words

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I left. I don't when you will be reading this or who is reading this. And to be honest, I could care. I'm tired and sick of it all. I lost count of all the times I was stabbed, cut and kicked. And all the times you saw me and did nothing to change it. Only one did and I wish her the best and if she is reading this

I'm sorry

I left today, the day I'm writing this. I took everything with some sort of value to me and left. Where? I don't know. Somewhere that isn't here. Somewhere I can finally walk in streets without looking over my shoulder every second. A place where I can be myself. Somewhere I can be happy.

Don't look for me. Please. For once, I beg of you to not look for me. Unless you want me to suffer more than I already suffered. You have to be a sick individual to want that.

It doesn't hurt for me to leave. You lose your demon. Your monster. What's so bad about that?

To my "friends". Don't miss me. If you do miss me, it means you care for me. But you never did. You too punched me, called me names and  you used me as a stepping stone constantly. You aren't friends. Because if you were, I would still be in the village. I would be happy, actually happy. And my smiles wouldn't be fake.

To Sasuke, We-


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