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"Naruto left the village."


Tsunade announced to the konoha 12, now 11. Or ten.

"Wait, where is Tenten?" Sakura asked, looking around and everyone did the same until they stopped and stared at the female Hokage.

"She wasn't home-"

"Lady Hokage! We found her! We found her sleeping on a bench outside the gates." Tsunade was interrupted by a ninja barging through the doors and scaring everyone in the room.

"Is she okay!?" Rock Lee asked, basically screaming at him.

"Yes she is fine but still doesn't remember what happened or how she got there!"

Tsunade clicked her tongue as she closed her eyes to think. Think of what to do. They said we can't talk about it but if I don't say it, they will get hurt if I send them to fight and capture him. But then she remembered him. That bastard didn't care and told everyone anyway. That's it, I'm telling them. Go to hell Danzo.

"Alright everyone listen up! You, you can leave now thank you"

"Yes Lady Hokage!"

"What's wrong Miss Hokage?" Hinata asked nervously, wondering why her demeanour was so cold yet frightened.

"I'm going to tell you something and you will not be allowed to talk about it or say it to anyone else other than Tenten who is not here at the moment."

"What is it then tell us!" Kiba screamed with a small bark from Akamaru.

"How many of you know what a Jinchuriki is?" The air suddenly froze.

"Someone that has a tailed beast sealed inside of them..." Sakura answered, already connecting the dots and beginning to shake in fear.

"Naruto.....is the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails. The one that attacked our village thirteen years ago"

"Oh my god" Hinata said in shock, everyone speechless and wide eyed.

"I hate saying this about him and thinking of him like this sickens me to the core but....Naruto is too powerful to leave this village. In the wrong hands, he can become a weapon of mass destruction-"

"So you want us to retrieve your precious lost weapon" Sasuke said coldly, clenching his fist in anger.

"No that isn't what I'm saying-"

"Liar!" Sasuke screamed, running out of the office.

"Sasuke!-" Sakura screamed as she tried to run with him but was grabbed by Neji, stopping her from running.

"What do you want us to do Miss Hokage?" Neji asked, as if he was requesting an order from a general.

"We don't know if he was coherced or if he went on his own so I want you to find anything of importance on where he might've went or with whom. As soon as you found something, go immediately, don't report back. He already left minimum 6 hours ago. Go!" 

Everyone ran out and went straight to his apartment. But all stopped dead as they saw the graffitis all over the walls and the smell. The smell of copper, alcohol, burnt wood and blood.

"Naruto...." Hinata said, holding in her tears.

Shikamaru and Neji open the door to his apartment and turned on the lights. It flickered, clear sign of the lack of electricity sent here and the poor condition Naruto was in.

"Check his room" Shikamaru told and ordered to Neji as everyone waited outside.

"Monster....demon" Hinata said, staring and reading the graffiti out loud.

"I can't believe I called him that once-" Sakura said under her breath.

"You did what!?" Hinata screamed, hearing what she said as she raised her hand that was now glowing bright blue. Rock Lee caught her arm and held her back from hitting Sakura as Kiba slide in and protected Sakura.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean it-"

"Found something!" Neji, without knowing, interrupted Sakura as he came out of Naruto's room with an opened scroll.

"What is it?" Shikamaru asked as he looked over Neji's shoulder, trying to read what was written.

"His parting words"

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