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"NARUTO!" Sasuke screamed, his scream echoing through the entire cliff and waterfall as he stood on top of Hashirama's head. He looked far, seeing Naruto sitting on Madara's head. Sasuke started running and jumped down,  landing on the water. Running on top of the flowing water, he looked up to see Naruto standing up and doing the same, landing on the water and running towards him.

Sasuke tackles him but Naruto catches him and throws him back. Sasuke catches himself, sliding on the water as they both stare at eachother's eyes.



"What do you think you are doing idiot!-"

"Leaving that's what! Is that so hard to see!"

"Why? What do you gain from leaving-"

"A better life! A happier life. A life without pain....An actual human life..."

"You have a life Naruto! With everyone. They all care for you, we all care for you-"

"So where were you when I was being kicked around?! Being stabbed everyday, being insulted and thrown around as if my life was worthless. You and everyone of you just sat there, laughing and doing the same thing!"

"I wasn't!-"

"You just called me an idiot Sasuke! Let me leave Sasuke....please"

"No! For what? All those times we fought and trained together? All those times we ate and bickered at each other? Did that mean nothing to you? What was that to you? Because to me, those are moments I cherish. Moments that I realized I have another brother. A brother that didn't kill my family. So No Naruto, I'm not letting you leave. I don't wanna lose another family member, especially if I can do something to prevent it."

"Sasuke...forgive me but my mind is set. I'm not going back"

"So you are just going to leave us? Leave 'her' whoever it is-"

"Don't you talk about her!"

The water underneath Naruto's feet rippled violently.

"Please....just let me leave" He spoke again.

Sasuke grinded his teeth.

"Where are you going then?"

"Somewhere that isn't Konoha. Now please let me go!" Naruto yelled, clenching his chest as the pain grew more and more. His nails started to grow into claws as he tried to hid his blood red eyes from Sasuke. His mind flashed all the happy memories he had of him and Sasuke and Tenten. Regret set in but all those happy memories were flushed and pushed away by all the bad ones. All the abuse. All the pain he suffered throughout his entire life.

Sasuke looked in shock. He never seen him this broken before. This weak. He was moved by it. Naruto's pain reached out to him, telling him all the horrible things that happened to him in extreme detail. Sasuke was sickened to his core, feeling pity towards him. Finally seeing the clearer picture.

"Alright Naruto...Can you promise me one thing atleast?"

"If you too can promise me one thing Sasuke"

"Deal. Promise me you will visit some day"

"I will, I promise. And promise me to take care of her. Please, she is the only thing that matters to me now. If it wasn't for her, I would've left years ago."

"Who is she?"

"She will tell you, I know she can trust you."

"Alright Naruto, I promise"

"Thank you Sasuke...May we meet again"

"At the end, where the fire and water meet"

"And where History was made"

They both smiled at eachother as Naruto turned around and began to run. As he disappeared inside the dark forest, Sasuke took a deep breath. The realization began to settle in as he turned around and started to walk back home.

Kiba, Sakura, Rock Lee, Shino found him walking on the dirt road and stopped.

"Where is Naruto?" Kiba asked. Sasuke looked down.

"He left, he fooled me with this clue. I thought he was in the valley of the end but I found nothing" he lied.

"Shit!" Kiba yelled. Akamaru barked.

"So he is really...gone" Sakura said, realizing, as she thought it was all a big joke or dream, but as she pinched herself, she realized it wasn't one. Her stress level where at its peak, making her shake and faint. Sasuke caught her and stared at everyone. All with the same look of disappointment and shame. It was a silent and sad walk back to Konoha, Sasuke holding the fainted Sakura in his arms.


To Sasuke, we might never truly fight each other again. That does sadden me, seeing that you were the only true friend other than her. But may we meet again at the end. Where fire and water meet. And where history was made.

I won't miss you as much as I will miss her but you will be on my mind friend.

-Naruto Uzumaki, your demon

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