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written by ausmanian

THE SUICIDE SQUADwritten by ausmanian

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trained assassin —— chapter i


——— JACKIE SAT IN HER CELL, AS USUAL, playing with her Monopoly board she had gotten a few years back, with her picture of Michael nearby. Belle Reve wasn't fun. I mean it is a fucking prison. Her cell door slid open slowly to reveal Amanda Waller and 2 others.

"This is Jackie Adanna. Trained assassin. She's been on one of these missions before, I guess you can say she's a veteran." Waller spoke.

"Hey guys!" Jackie stood up from the cold floor waving at her teammates.

"This is Peacemaker and Bloodsport." Amanda introduced the two men. She smirked at them before picking up the picture, stuffing it in her pocket and followed their lead. "Hello gentlemen!" Jackie greeted. "Gentle is the last thing I am." Peacemaker scoffed.

"Nice to know." Jackie chirped.

The four of them stopped at another cell. The door opened revealing a girl sleeping peacefully. "Next, we have Cleo Cazo, Ratcatcher 2." Waller spoke.

"What, we couldn't afford Ratcatcher 1?" joked Peacemaker. "Oh please." Sighed Jackie.

"He's dead. This is his daughter." Says Waller, "Cazo, will you be joining us?" She asks the woman. Cleo groaned waking up, "I just woke up. I don't function well early in the morning."

"My deepest apologies for disturbing you."

"Hmm, it's alright-"

Waller bangs on the wall; the loud noise waking Cleo back up instantly. "Get your ass out here!" Waller shouts.

"Millennials." said Peacemaker Cleo groaned dragging herself out of bed. The rat on her shoulder squeaked as she got up.

"Oh, no way. That's not coming with us." panicked Bloodsport.

"She controls rats."

"I know, I caught that. It's a disgusting superpower."

"This is Sebastian. say hello Sebastian." said Cleo. The rat squeaked and held out it's hand to Bloodsport. "I'm not shakin' the rat's hand." He denies. Sebastian whined. "I'll shake your hand, Seb." said Jackie, shaking the rat's tiny hand. He let out a squeak of joy.

The group approached another door, opened to reveal a man hoisted up in some type of restraints. "And finally, we have Abner Krill." Says Waller.

"What's that 'round his neck?"

"A power dampener. They call him the Polka Dot Man."

"What's he do, throw polka dots at people?" asked Peacemaker. He meant that as a joke but to his surprise, he was in fact correct. "Not fair, I want powers." Jackie pouted.

The other prisoners decided to join in.

"Hey, Polka Dot Man, I was hoping you'd entertain my kid's birthday party. You fucking pussy!" One of them shouted.

Krill looked real down. Like always. "You're a real dickwad..." muttered Jackie. She was quite an asshole but she did not stand for unnecessary bullying.


————— "YOU KNOW THE DEAL Successfully complete the mission, you get ten years off your sentence. You fail to follow my orders in any way and I detonate the explosive device in the base of your skull."

Jackie sat in the chair surrounded by Amanda's workers. A tray sat next to the seat on a table. On that tray were four needles. Jackie didn't enjoy doing this. It hurt like a bitch. She knows from experience. She'd already had an explosive planted in the back of her head before, now was time for the sequel. The operation was quick and easy, she felt queasy knowing that a literal bomb was inside of her.

She stood up from the chair, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Everything that you need is in this box." Waller said handing her a crate filled with her gear.

Jackie opened the box as everyone stepped out of the room to give her some privacy. Finally getting out of the tacky prison uniform she wore everyday. Above everything she saw her old suit that she wore back in 2016. The memories kicked in; how she almost died saving the world. Was she more of a hero than she thought? She tossed that suit aside. She picked out an alternative. Something simple, but badass as always. She looked in the crate once more, seeing the pistol Harley had given her the last time they were together. Where even was Harley? She thought. She picked up the gun and examined it. It's full.

"Back in action." She said stuffing the gun in her holster.


————— "CORTO MALTESE IS A SMALL ISLAND NATION OFF THE COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA Over the past 100 years, the country has been ruled with an iron fist by the Herrera family. But, a week ago, this guy, General Silvio Luna, along with his right-hand man, Mayor General Mateo Suarez, took control of the Corto Maltese government in a violent military coup. The entire Herrera family were hanged in a public execution. Although the United States did not condone the excesses of the Herrera regime, they were non-antagonistic toward the U.S. Luna, however, is virulently anti-American." The images on the projector matched her words as she informed the group about the mission.

"So, you want us to kill Luna?" asked Peacemaker


"This is Jotunheim. A scientific experimentation facility containing something known only as Project Starfish. Our intelligence sources tell us that Starfish is extraterrestrial in origin. In the hands of the Luna regime, it is potentially cataclysmic for Americans and the world. Your mission is to infiltrate Jotunheim and destroy every trace of Project Starfish."

"How are we supposed to get in?"

"Gaius Grieves, the Thinker, is a geneticist in charge of Project Starfish. After hours, he hangs out at a gentlemen's club known as La Gatita Amable. Get Grieves to help you by whatever means necessary and he can get you into Jotunheim. Any questions?" asked Waller.

Cleo raised her hand, "What is that?" She asked, pointing to a projector next to the screen.

"That is an overhead projector." informed Waller.

"Do you ever use it anymore?"

"No, not really."

"So, why don't you just throw it away?"

"Peacemaker?" said Waller pushing Cleo's irrelevant question to the side.

"Starfish is a slang term for a butthole. Think there's any connection?" He asked.


"No... connection." He wrote down.

"Nanaue?" Waller called. "Hand!" He raised his hand.

"Yes, Nanaue, that is your hand. Very good."

Jackie slept through the debriefing. Bloodsport huffed. "We're all gonna die."

"I hope so." said Krill, gloomily.

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

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