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trained assassin -- chapter v

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trained assassin -- chapter v

--- AS THEY DROVE UP TO THE NIGHTCLUB, laughing and chattering was heard as the music playing inside was muffled. The club was lit up with red.

"Senores, this is the place." said Milton.

They got off of the bus and looked at the building.

"Finally something worth while." Jackie said.

When they entered the club, the people at the entrance stared at them. The girl stared at the men in hunger, winking and licking their lips at them. Girl danced onstage, multiple people on the dance floor, drunk. Having fun. The six of them sat at a free table.

"So, when's this Thinker guy supposed to be here?" asked Flag.

"Supposed to be in the next few hours." Cleo informed.

"Looks like we gotta find something to do to pass the time." Peacemaker suggested, "Uh, miss? How about some, uh... What do you guys drink around here, Fernet? How about a round of Fernets for the table. Comprende?"

"Si." The waitress said.

"Hey, Pissmaker, we're on a mission." Bloodsport said.

"Easy, Inspector Gadget. A little drink never hurt nobody."

"Except for the thousands of people killed in drunk driving accidents every year." said Krill.

"You're a real shit stopper." said Jackie.

"Come on, DuBois, this could be our last drink." Flag said.

"Gracias." thanked Cleo as the waitress brought their drinks,

"If you guys have any extra I'll take 'em." Jackie said.

"Hey, chica. Forgot the rat." Peacemaker said to the waitress.

Cleo chuckled.

"Here's to being alive in three hours." Flag cheered.

"I'll be alive. You speak for yourself." said Bloodsport.

"Amen to that." Jackie laughed.

They all laughed and joked around. Finally having a good time. This was actually the first time Flag and Jackie have said something nice to each other the whole day.

"Let's go to the dance floor! Woo!" Jackie cheered, drunk and hysterical.

Cleo grabbed her hand and went with her. Peacemaker followed.

Everyone and everything was a blur around Jackie. She was really in the moment, feeling the music dancing like it was the end of the world. She swayed back and forth, her dress twirling with her every move. She opened her eyes and looked in front of her. It was Flag, staring back. She smirked and stopped dancing. She made her way towards him and sat down next to him.

"What are you lookin' at?" She asked.

"You being drunk."

"You're drunk too."

"Not as drunk as you."

"Ah fuck..."

She laid her head down on the table staring at Flag as he drank his beer.

"Hey." She said.


"Do you remember? When... we were on that mission together before, when I kinda liked you?"


"Are you still dating that witch broad?"


"Is that why you were eyeing me when I was changing?"

She lifted her head from the table and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. They looked at each other with tired eyes. Leaning in closer until they started kissing each other, hard. He laid his hand on her hip as she caressed his shoulder.

"I don't know if this is the liquor speaking but let's find a bathroom." She said.


She grabbed his hand and leaded him into the small unisex bathroom. He pushed her onto the wall making out with her deeply. She didn't waste anytime sliding his shirt off of his body. He held her face as they continued kissing. She turned her attention to his belt, unbuckling it and pulling his pants down.

"Wow." She breathed.

He lifted her dress and pulled down her underwear. He slowly pushed inside of her, making her wince. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his body. He kept pushing in and out of her going faster every thrust. Finding her g-spot making her moan louder. Letting out 'fuck' with every moan.

"Stop, stop, stop!" She breathed.

"What happened, am I hurting you?" He asked out of breath.

"No. That was amazing but I'm not planning on being a mother anytime soon. Let's stop here."

"Ahh, okay."

Jackie pulled up her underwear and fixed her dress as Flag fixed himself up also; putting his hat back on.

"Hey, Flag?"


"I missed ya." Jackie said before opening the door and walking out.

They exited the bathroom. Back to business. Flag caught a glimpse of everyone in the club. He saw the target. The Thinker.

trained assassin 𝖃 rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now