10: Deliberate And Leave

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Shota knew something was wrong the moment the doors to the court room opened. The air just shifted instantly and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck prick up. 

Ms. Tanaka walked in, as expected, but with her was her husband and two daughters. The older one Shota recognized as the kid who had been eavesdropping on them during his visit to the household, but the younger one, who had her fathers horns, Shota hadn't seen before. 

The fact they were here worried him. Megumi had said her family would never know, what had changed? And the woman who walked in behind them definitely looked like a lawyer, something Megumi wouldn't need if she was just going to sign the paperwork and get it over with. 

Finally, the judge, who didn't have a very elaborate set up today and was just sitting at a plain looking podium, called everyone to take their seats. 

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"We are here today to discuss terminating the parental rights Tanaka Megumi has on 14 year old Kozume Miki. Before we so much as begin speaking I would like to remind you all that my job today is to do what is best for Kozume and nothing else. Now," The judge evened out a stack of paperwork "I understand that after a visit by Aizawa Shota on behalf of the Hero Commission an agreement to simply terminate rights was arrived at, can I assume that this is all we are here for?". 

"No, your honor, my client would like to rescind her statements saying that she wanted to terminate parental rights." The lawyer looking woman-who was indeed a lawyer much to Shota's distain-said rather forcefully. 

Everything just stopped. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Hizashi and Shota shared a panicked look with Hana, who looked just as surprised. 

"Your client does not wish to terminate parental rights?" The judge clarified, sounding a little shocked herself. The lawyer nodded. 

Megumi then stood up, holding a piece of paper. "When I had my son Miki I was young. I was only 21 and still a kid myself.". Shota burned with silent rage from the table he was seated at. How dare she call him her son after what she said during the meeting? And 21, although Shota did consider it quite young, was not young enough to be as irresponsible as Megumi had been. 

"I was with an abusive partner at the time," Megumi continued "and I felt like Miki was the thing tying my to him, preventing me from leaving. I felt trapped so when he turned 5 I decided to leave him with a trusted family member.". Her voice was calculated, nothing like the grown woman who had whined about having to come to court just to rid herself of a child she never wanted. "I never thought I'd hear from him again, which made me so unimaginably sad, but I knew what I did was the best thing for him. I also broke it off with the abusive partner. A month later I checked myself into a treatment facility where I met my current husband.". 

She smiled at him and he smiled back, his first reaction this whole time. "When I was informed Ms. Kozume had died I was shocked and my first thought was what would happen to Miki. Although I was initially hesitant because of how old and deep the wound was, I now know what I want and what would be best for Miki. My family and I have spoken about it and we would love for Miki to be able to come home. He needs a stable environment, a father figure and two little sisters who can't wait to meet their big brother.". 

'So the kid told the husband' Shota realized. He then typed everything he knew about how they found out on the notes app on his phone and passed it for Hizashi to read. The blonde's eyes clouded in worry. 

"Ms. Ito Hana, you may now speak of behalf of the government and child protective services." The judge said, looking a little shocked. She had obviously been informed of the case beforehand and thought there would be some paperwork signing and that would be it. 

Hana smiled and stood up, holding a statement of her own. "I had anticipated to have this go without my own intervention but as circumstances I must change my stance." She explained, sounding very calm. "I have sufficient evidence to prove that Mrs. Tanaka is an unfit parent for Kozume Miki.". 

This seemed to startle the family, but they just sat there unmoving, eyes glued to Hana. "There is truth to what Mrs. Tanaka has said but there are some crucial details left out. Those include the fact that at the time, both Mrs. Tanaka and her partner were addicted to various illicit substances that impaired their ability to walk, let alone care for a child. They held down an apartment during this time only due to the finances given to them by Mr. Kozume, Mrs. Tanaka's partner at the time's mother. She payed for everything for them and Miki, although most of it was spent on drugs.".

If looks could kill Hana would be on the floor right now. Megumi was glaring at her like she was ruining her entire plan. Shota and Hizashi both felt a little smug. 'Nice try' was the only thought running through their heads. "The child in question doesn't have many memories from this time, but after several sessions I had with him to build up a case it was revealed that during this time he was left home unattended, not properly fed and was not sent to school." Hana said, her tone serious. "He also recalls being physically abused not only by his biological father but by his biological mother, Mrs. Tanaka. These instanced included hitting, slapping and being pushed." 

"I did not-" "Silence." The judge interjected. Megumi looked desperate, her face was flushed and she nervously glanced at her husband who's expression was unreadable. 

Hizashi gripped his husband's hand under the table. They were in for the long haul. 


Question - if you have read Newbie (which is another one of by fics please read it I'm very proud of it) would you be interested in seeing the uncut-unedited definitely not appropriate for most audiences original first chapter? 

Cause like it changed quite a bit because I thought the first one was too...idk vulgar? Graphic maybe? Anyways it was too much for my usual content and yes I like graphic stuff but this was a bit more than usual. 

I'm also like, super sorry if this chapter is boring. Its dialogue heavy and the protagonist isn't even directly featured. Sorry for that. 

Stay Tuned! 

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