33: Who's This?

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"What's your name?" 


Right, he knew that already. Miki had to ask a better question. "How old are you?" 


Fuck that wasn't working either. Think, Minnie, think. "What's your favorite colour?". 

The girl didn't answer for a second, glancing over at at the window nervously. They sat like that for a second before speaking. "I like red the best. Its pretty.". 

Miki beamed. A success! Sort of. He had enough allowance to buy her something so damn red she'd have to love it. 

You may at this point be wondering what's going on. Well Mirio, Midoriya and lots of other pros rescued Eri two days ago. Miki hadn't been allowed to see her as she'd seen doctor after doctor to make sure she was healthy, as well as a short adjusting period to living in the hospital for a short time. 

She wasn't in as bad a shape as they had in initially thought. Sort of. There were scars. Oh god there were scars. But at the same time there were fewer actual open wounds, mostly just scrapes and scratched from the debris at the rescue site. 

The real problem would be the mental aspect. She had nightmares both of the nights she had slept in the hospital and of course Midoriya and Mirio couldn't be on call to reassure her 247. They had school. 

And that's how Miki ended up visiting his dad and Eri at the hospital. The rest of the family was there too, sans Himiko. She was speaking with Nezu about something. They were worried. The principal wasn't supposed to find out at all, but he had his ways. 

Normally they wouldn't have left the campus while someone was in that sort of a meeting but Himiko...well lets just say she can handle herself. 

"If you keep bombarding her with questions she'll never get to ask you any." Shota commented, a fond smile on his face. Miki blushed a little, suddenly aware that his eagerness to make friends with Eri was painfully obvious. He couldn't help it! He had worried about her so much, and now that she was safe he just wanted to make her happy! 

"Do you want to ask him any questions?" Shota said, turning to face Eri. The girl hesitated and nodded. 

"What's your name? And um...how old are you?" She asked shyly. Miki could die of cuteness. 

"My name is Kozume Miki, I'm 14 years old, so I'm a year younger than Midoriya!" He answered cheerfully. 

"And...how old is he? What's his name?" This one Eri asked Shota, but she was pointing at Hitoshi. 

"His name is Yamada-Aizawa Hitoshi. He's the same age as Midoriya." Shota told the little girl. 

"Aizawa..." She repeated to herself. "Is he your son?". Shota nodded. "So is Miki." He gestured using his head to where Miki was seated on the bed next to Eri. 

Eri seemed to think about this for a second and looked back at Miki as if to double check something. "Different names..." She said quietly. 

Shota raised his eyebrows in surprise at the comment but instantly realized it was the wrong as Eri started to look scared. "Sorry. M' sorry." She mumbled, cowering back into the hospital bed. Shota shook his head.

"I'm not mad Eri. Look at me, I'm not mad. I'm not going to hurt you. That was a good question. The reason Miki doesn't have my last name is because I haven't adopted him yet. That's also why he doesn't look like me.". 

Huh. Miki hadn't thought about adoption recently. He used to think about it a lot. Used to dread it. First he was terrified that someone would find him on the street and shove him into some random family. Then he was scared that his birth mother would get him back and he'd be adopted by whoever the hell her husband was. He'd lose his sibling and be forced to call whatever kids she had replaced him with his sisters. 

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