17: Heroes

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Obviously from the whole 'switching Shoto and Deku's roles in the stain battle thing' you can tell that some details are switched around. There is still a nomu battle going on but the scale is much smaller than in the anime/mange. Also Midoriya was on his way to the nomu fight when he got the message from Todoroki. 

Thanks for coming to my ted talk, now onto the chapter


Midoriya was now kneeling across from Miki's who couldn't stand up because the hero student had probably broken his ankle and several ribs. 

"I'm so sorry." The green haired teen pleaded. "I believed the wrong information. You didn't deserve to be assaulted and as a U.A student I'm ashamed of myself. I knew deep down you couldn't be the hero killer, but so many people said you were-".

Miki considered it for a second. The older teen sounded genuine enough. "That doesn't excuse breaking my ribs." He said honestly, "But it does explain it. I can see how people could think that, considering my quirk. It wouldn't be the first time people thought I was a murderer because of it.". 

Somehow that didn't reassure Midoriya in the slightest. It only drove a knife through his heart. Miki really was just a struggling 14 year old and the fact he had suspected him at all made him feel like the real monster. Why had he been so quick to assume what Uraraka said about him was true? Had those two ever spoken before? 

Suddenly, he remembered his phone. Todoroki, right. He had asked for help. 

Now Deku was torn. He could assist Todoroki with what was probably the real hero killer, or he could take Miki to a police station. He didn't have time to do both. 

Todoroki was in danger, a lot of it. 

But Miki was injured. 

Then, his phone buzzed again. 'Todoroki Shoto shared his location with you'. Well that settled it. Obviously it was urgent. 

"Can you run?" Midoriya asked, standing up. Miki scoffed. "I can't even stand." The pink haired boy said honestly. Midoriya cursed himself, then pulled the younger teen onto his back. 

Green lightening crackled around his feet and he was off. 

----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- 

The moment he set Miki down outside the alley his friend was supposedly inside, a cry rang out and a thud. 

Midoriya rushed into action, running towards Iida. "D-don't let him touch your b-b-blood." He managed through gritted teeth. The hero student nodded and jumped into battle, just as Todoroki protected the cut on his cheek from the hero killer's tongue. 

Miki, worried about what was going on, put his hands out in front of him and hauled his useless and broken body across the ground towards Iida. "Are you okay?" He asked cautiously. 

Iida's eyes lazily focused on the younger boy. "I can't believe you killed my brother." The hero student said, dejection in his voice. "I came here thinking I could take you-but he's a whole other situation.". 

Damn, everyone at U.A really thought he was a murderer. That was not fun. But that wasn't the point. Miki flinched at the sound of ice forming behind them. Stain was approaching them, slicing through every bit of ice Todoroki was throwing at him and Midoriya was bouncing around the walls like a pinball machine.

"I don't know why you would protect a false hero!" Stain said, a too-wide smile on his face as he grazed Midoriya's arm. Todoroki shot flames at him and for a moment they lost visual on the hero killer. 

Miki took that moment to lay flat on his stomach so his arms weren't supporting him anymore. It made his ribs hurt like hell but he needed his hands. 

With as much force as he could muster he reached out and pulled Iida's face closer to him so they were eye to eye. He heard the hero killer shout at Midoriya, the noise getting closer and closer, but he didn't look away. With as much willpower as he could muster, he used his quirk. 

"Stop being paralyzed. Move your body! Fight! Help your friends!" He said, his voice forceful but not too loud. Iida's eyes were glowing with a soft pink and Miki panicked. This would be the first time someone's body had rejected his quirk like this-but it was his quirk against Stain's and he couldn't give up.  

Finally the light pooled into a small pink heart in the corner of the older teen's iris and a matching one appeared in Miki's. Iida got up like nothing was wrong, turned on his engines and shot off. Midoriya cheered at the sight of Iida's paralysis having worn off.

Miki wanted to take this opportunity to crawl away, to get himself to safety, but he couldn't move. It took all of his energy keep a hook in Iida's mind and keep Stain's quirk at bay. The headache he had been oh so used to before being taken in by Shota and Hizashi seemed to return. Miki wondered genuinely how he had dealt with this 24/7 before. 

More flames erupted from the battlefield as Midoriya kicked the hero killer's katana over towards Miki and out of the villain's reach. 

"You'll all see!" Stain said, his tone as condescending as every and his eyes crazed, "One day you'll regret defending him, and all heroes who profit off society's failures!". Midoriya lunged at him but the hero killer just used him like a mid air stepping stone to get over the ice wall Todoroki had made. 

And suddenly he was 10 feet from where Miki was lying. "Who are you?" He said, his tone low. Being close the the villain was like being trapped in a cage with a cayote. At any moment he could decide Miki wasn't interesting and cut right into him and with bones that wouldn't be able to hold his weight, there was almost nothing Miki could do to stop it. 

So he did the only thing he could. 

Miki locked eyes with Stain and watched as the pink glow swirled in his sclera around his iris, not quite sinking in. Without warning, the villain drew a knife from a hidden fold in his clothes and started towards Miki. But he didn't break eye contact, which gave Miki hope it would work. 

He got closer and closer and closer until Miki panicked. His body moved without his permission, allowing the villain to stab right through the bottom of his broken foot. Miki cried out in pain and lost eye contact. "I don't want to hurt civilians." Stain said, licking his lips, "But you continue to defend your friend as he tries to murder someone in cold blood!". 

Miki winced, noticing through his blurring vision that Iida and Midoriya were both paralyzed and ice was heading straight for Stain. In his last moment of clarity Miki made eyes contact with Stain, dropping his now futile control of Iida. 

The pink settled instantly and Stain's eyes went wide with fear. "Stay still." Miki said simply. The villain's fingers on the knife trembled, trying to disobey the command, but it was too late. Todoroki's attack had caught up with him and the hero killer was immobilized. 

Miki promptly screamed as the headache slammed into his brain and passed out. 


So school starts soon....wish me luck.

I seriously want to commit suislide I hate school so much. 

But on the bright side, here's another chapter! Its kinda weird but all the feel good stuff is gonna be in the next chapter. I'm sooooo excited for some fluffy stuff. 

Stay Tuned! 

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