12: A Competition And The No.1

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Miki understood that he had to be supervised 24/7. Well, not really directly supervised, but someone had to at least be 'watching out for him' as Hizashi and Shota always said. 

But Hizashi was going back to work soon, starting tomorrow and they didn't have a plan for Miki yet. He didn't mention it since he didn't want to intentionally bring up how much of a burden he was, but as tomorrow was the pro heroes first day back at work he was wondering where he was going to go. 

He hoped he could just stay home with the cats but something told him that wasn't what was going to happen. 

Hitoshi popping his head in Miki's doorway and telling him to get dressed just confirmed that. 

He started sorting through the clothes he had picked out recently. Never before had he been able to chose his own clothes, his grandma was obsessed with bargains so she always bought them for him and when he lived with his parents-although the memories were fuzzy-he remembers wearing clothes that were far too small and filthy. 

Now he could sort through his closet and really choose for himself. So he did-he grabbed a pair of ripped jeans, an ivory turtle neck and an incredibly baggy and comfortable red pull over hoodie he stole from Hitoshi a week ago. Technically Hitoshi lent it to him, he just hadn't given it back 'cause it smelled nice and the cats liked snuggling into the worn out fabric.  

He stumbled his way into the kitchen, pulling the hoodie over his head as he did so. Shota was the first to notice his presence and smiled while he poured his coffee. "How is it everyone always has a fashion show every morning before getting dressed yet their hair looks like a hurricane hit last night?" He commented, looking over at Hizashi and Hitoshi who were sitting at the table. Hizashi's hair was unusually frizzy that day so it was all over the place and Hitoshi's was well-Hitoshi's. It was always like that. But of course Hitoshi's uniform was on perfectly and Hizashi's outfit looked just the right amount of fun and professional. 

Miki just smiled sheepishly and tried to pat down his own hair unsuccessfully. He then turned his attention the coffee maker. He had barely grabbed mug out of the cupboard before Hizashi's hand was overtop of his, manipulating it into placing the mug down on the counter. 

"No, no. I will not condone another caffeine addict." He said with an air of finality "Especially when you're this young. Its tea or nothing at all.". Miki wanted to argue that he was an insomniac and needed it, but he'd probably be fine. He could take a nap whenever he wanted anyways. That thought was interrupted by the realization that he wouldn't be able to take a nap today because they were all going out. Wherever out was for him. Suddenly he wanted to argue over the caffeine a little more but he thought better of it and grabbed some of the oatmeal Hizashi had made and sat down. 

"Do you want to turn around?" Hitoshi asked casually. Except the question wasn't casual at all and it made Miki tense up. He was used to turning away from everyone else while he ate, it was a habit he had developed after eating at soup kitchen or charity pop up places. People had no problem stealing his food from right under his nose and trying to eat facing literally anyone felt like he was exposed and made him more than a little panicked. 

"I'm fine like this." He answered trying to keep the quiver of anxiety out of his voice. He thought he had succeeded in doing so, but one glance at his foster parent's concerned expressions he realized he probably sounded way more anxious than he wanted to. 

At this point he had accepted it as just 'the way I am' so it was strange to see people concerned over him. 

Hizashi sensed the tension and abruptly changed the subject. "Are you sure you're going to be okay in jeans? Your skin got pretty irritated the last time.". Miki relaxed a little at that. "Actually the inflammations gone down a lot and they feel comfortable now so I think I'll be okay.". Hizashi nodded and they fell into another bout of silence. 

"So, where are we going today anyway?"

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 

The U.A sports festival. He was going to watch Shota's class and Hitoshi compete in one of the most anticipated hero events of the year. 

Now, he had watched it before, but one tv. Not live. And certainly not wherever his foster parents were leading him now. He definitely isn't going to be sitting with Shota's class, they're competing. Same with Hitoshi. And Hizashi mentioned they were the announcers so he wasn't going with them either. 

"We really haven't explained things very well, have we?" Hizashi said apologetically as they walked up several flights of stairs. Miki shook his head causing his hair to cover his eyes. "Well, Sho and I are going to be busy and Toshi's with his class so we got you a babysitter. Of sorts..." The pro hero said with a quiet laugh. "But this isn't going to be the norm. We're registering you for school this week and since its early in the year you'll have tons of time to catch up.". 

Miki nodded but was overall unsure. "I haven't been to school since elementary school." He said, his eyes glued to his feet as they climbed the steps. Hizashi just ruffled his hair. 

"You'll do fine, Miki. You're a smart kid.". Before the 14 year old had a chance to argue with that, they had reached their destination. It seemed like a closet door almost. There was no grandeur at all and Miki wondered if this was even the overstated stadium he had entered earlier. 

Hizashi knocked on the door and waited, an excited smile on his face. Well, not that you could see much of his face. The pro hero had since changed out of his casual clothes and into his hero suit, meaning his sunglasses covered essentially half his face. 

The door opened and light flooded the hallway. Miki could see that through the door was a viewing area high above the stadium, tucked away into a location no one could have guessed existed. 

"You're gonna be hanging out here, little listener." Hizashi said "And you've got adult supervision too! Look!". He pointed to a corner of the room where an absolutely massive man was standing. The man smiled and it seemed somewhat familiar. 

Miki squinted. He looked strong. Wayyyyyy too strong to be a normal person. Blonde too, which was weird and-

"Holy shit you're All Might" 


So this is kinda a sad announcement but there will be no content from me for a little while. I'm going off grid! Wish me luck. 

(Its not really by choice but like I'm pretending it is so I don't feel sad) 

Look forward to the mass update in a couple of days! 

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