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The wand was raised and pointed at the girl with the long brown hair that reached all the way down her back. She had no idea about what was to come, as her body was facing the same way as the person behind her.

"Avada Kedavra!" The voice shouted.

In a matter of seconds green sparks jumped out from the wand and flew straight towards the sixth year Ravenclaw. The dark magic killed her at once, without any lingering pain of any sorts.

And just like that Ruby Velasco's life abruptly came to an end, just the same as one of the seven students who were with her that night life's to come.

Nobody knows who did it. Nobody knows why it happened. The only thing that they can all agree on is that one of them did it, and they are determined to get to the bottom of things.

Okay so I don't really know if this is considered a prologue or not, and I most likely will change it later to (hopefully) be better. It's basically just a stand-in thing for now, but I don't know how long this one will be here. Oh and also, the first chapter takes place before this event, just so you know!!

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