△⃒⃘- THREE : the body in the forest

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Hogwarts, Wizarding World
September 2nd, 1982
7:00 am
Location: the greenhouses

Penelope Cooper, a year seven hufflepuff who was known for her dedications in Herbology was studying alone in one of the greenhouses. She was tending the plants, just as she had done all summer out of volunteer along with the special request of Professor Sprout. Any chance the girl got, she would spend as much time in the greenhouses as possible.

Currently Penelope was carefully extracting the leaves of the Venomous Tentscula, a larger sized plant that had a giant eyeless head with fangs. The mouth of the herb consisted of many leaves surrounding it and it also had a numerous amount of vines as appendages that acted like arms, which appeared to also have separate heads of their own at the ends.

It was a highly poisonous plant, but Penelope was fairly experienced in Herbology and knew practically just as much as Professor Sprout herself. She used the Severing Charm which stunned the plant, allowing it so she could safely access what she needed.

Everything was going just fine until she saw a green light flash before her eyes, nearly blinding the girl all that was accompanied by a rushing sound. In a panic, Penelope raced out of the greenhouse running towards where the ruckus was coming from, only to wish that she never left the conservatory that morning.

There it was, out in the Forbidden Forest was a dead body. The dead body of the year six Ravenclaw, Ruby Velasco.

͛ ͛ ͛

Zero Reed woke up at exactly 7:30, the time that all students were instructed to wake up by. Breakfast would start at eight and lessons would begin at nine. It was the first official day of classes and he was just looking forward for it to be five o'clock in the afternoon already, when he would be free to do whatever he'd please.

Once Zero and Caspian were ready in their uniforms that consisted of their white button-down collared shirts, dark jumpers, Gryffindor ties (which the boys always wore in an untidy manner), black trousers, socks, and their dress shoes, they went straight to the common room where they waited for the time to be closer to breakfast.

Caspian and Zero were sitting on the headboard of the couch when Sal came over to them. Zero spoke, "Hey it's Smalls, right?"

"Yeah it's me, Smalls." They replied awkwardly, taking a seat beside their fellow quidditch teammates.

"You're going to be at tryouts in two weeks, right?" Cas asked, as Smalls just nodded. It truly was strange. How could the loudest person in the school act so weird all of a sudden, "Good. I guess we'll see you there then."

"You guys didn't hear, did you?" Smalls questioned quietly, as both of the year sevens appeared to have no idea, "Ruby's dead."

"N-no, it can't be," Zero affirmed, sitting up straight, "We were all together last night. She's just fine, probably in the Ravenclaw common room right now as we speak. So how could she possibly be dead?"

Caspian swallowed hard, "What happened?"

"I don't know." Smalls stated honestly, "I just found out myself. Apparently her body was found in the Forbidden Forest this morning."

"Guys, is it bad that I don't remember how I got here this morning?" Cas asked, struggling to remember anything from last night. Well he could remember to a specific point, but it was after the part when they all agreed to have a peaceful night when his memories seemed to have disappeared.

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