△⃒⃘- FIVE : the great hall and the start of the fall

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Hogwarts, Wizarding World
September 5th, 1982
7:03 pm
Location: The Great Hall

It was a rainy Friday evening when Headmaster Dumbledore held a surprise assembly over dinner, "Students, if I could make a few announcements please."

The Great Hall became silent as the powerful wizard continued. "We are all still saddened over Ruby Velasco's death, but academics must still go on so classes will begin again first thing on Monday. If anyone knows anything about what happened to Ruby that night, do not hesitate to inform me of whatever you may know at my office. If anyone is having a hard time processing her death, please talk to someone. Also, no students are to leave the grounds of Hogwarts until further notice. That is all for now, so enjoy your food and have a great weekend."

Caspian glared as Dumbledore walked back to his seat. "This is stupid. It's our last year here and we can't even go anywhere."

"I swear, he looked at me. He looked at me when he asked if anyone knew about anything." Zero began to worry, completely ignoring his friend. He began to feel sweaty as it was becoming harder to breathe. "He knows. Why does he always know everything?"

"It's probably all just in your head," Cas reasoned, stuffing a chocolate eclair in his mouth. "Besides even if he did know, he would've confronted us by now because this is something big. It's not like we're third years again who cheated on our finals and he's just waiting for us to come clean, because someone actually died this time. There's just no way he would wait it out now."

"Hey guys!" Smalls grinned, cramming their way in between Zero and Caspian. "Have you tried the lamb chops, because they are so good!"

"I think I'm going to head back to the dorms now." Zero stood up, leaving his plate behind. "I'm suddenly not really feeling it tonight. I'll talk to you guys later."

"Did I say something wrong?" Smalls questioned, turning his head to Caspian. They then checked their breath, and then proceeded to breathe in Cas' face. "It's not my breath, is it?"

"First of all get out of my face, of course your have bad breath because you're eating whatever the fuck that is. Second of all no, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just been a hard time for Zero. It's been a hard time for us all, but the love of his life just died for Merlin's sake, so of course he's going to be taking it hard." Caspian explained, trying to quickly finish up his food so he could rush back to hang out with Zero.

"Oh, I get it now."

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"I can't believe classes are beginning again so soon, as if Ruby's life didn't matter or something. There was barely anything done for the remembrance of her. It's not fair," Ashley stated, swirling her spoon around in the bowl of scolding hot soup. "How can life just go back to normal without her around?"

Ophelia just frowned. "It won't ever go back to normal for any of us. At least, not until we figure out whoever did it."

"It's got to be Lizavetta. That bitch hated Ruby, and so it would make sense that she'd want her dead."

"That would be the obvious choice, Ashley. I kinda have a feeling it's Zero, or maybe even Lou-"

"No, there's no way. Louis' one of my best friends, we both were very close to Ruby and loved her dearly. I don't care if people think it's suspicious how it was his idea to go to the Forbidden Forest that night, because he had nothing do with it," Ashley stated, willing to defend her friend until the end of time. "Now as far as Zero goes, I don't think he did it either. He loved Ruby- too much if you ask me. So how can you possibly kill the person you love the most?"

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