△⃒⃘- FOUR : i know what you did...

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Hogwarts, Wizarding World
September 4th, 1982
1:57 am
Location: outside the Hufflepuff common room

It was going on two in the morning, and nobody had yet to show up. The Hufflepuff girl waited and waited, and it wasn't until the minute of when everyone started to appear. However, it wasn't just the three students who she thought was involved in the murder. Instead, it was seven students.

Penelope took a step back, fearing her plan was going to backfire. What if she was next to be murdered?! Perhaps she shouldn't have involved herself and instead went straight to Headmaster Dumbledore's office to inform him of her suspicions, rather than try to solve this situation on her own.

Except she sort of was involved. The moment she overheard the two Gryffindors and the Slytherin and then proceeded to accidentally come across Ruby's dead body the next morning was the moment she sort of became involved in this madness that she wished hadn't ever happened!

However Penelope waited a day, as she debated back and forth between her values of doing what was right and telling all about what she saw, versus wanting to find out exactly what happened that night in the Forbidden Forest. It wasn't until dinner in the Great Hall earlier that evening when the year seven Hufflepuff slipped two notes; one to Lizavetta and the other one shared between Zero and Caspian, which read:

I know what you did...
Meet me behind the stack of
barrels near the kitchen in the
basement at exactly 2 am or
else I'll be forced to report you.

Zero and Caspian told Smalls, as they're all Gryffindors and were apart of what happened that day, whether they knew exactly what happened or not. While Lizavetta told Louis in the Slytherin common room, who quickly ran to tell Ashley. Ashley then told Ophelia, and that's how it came to be when the seven students approached Penelope Cooper several hours after the notes were originally passed around.

"Don't get any closer." Penelope warned, observing each of the suspects surrounding her. She just didn't understand how they all were involved after only concluding it to be the three students she initially thought it was, but clearly there was much more to it.

It was the first time the seven people were all together again since their little get-together the other night. Other than that, it was only ever a couple students with each other at a time and even then they barely talked as it mainly consisted of a lot of mourning and thinking.

"What do you want?" Lizavetta questioned coldly, taking a couple steps forward anyhow. She didn't care what some Hufflepuff had to say, and wasn't about to listen to her either.

Penelope cleared her throat, standing up as tall as she could, "I know what you guys did. I'm not afraid and if you even think about killing me next, I will have no choice but to report you."

"Just one quick question, so if one of us was the killer and actually did kill you then how would you be able to report us?" Caspian reasoned in a cheeky demeanor, causing the other two Gryffindors to laugh.

"He does have a point though." Zero agreed along with his best friend.

"Whatever. Just know that whoever killed Ruby will get caught." The Hufflepuff threatened, eyeing each of them up, "You guys should know, the truth always finds a way to come out. Now it's late, and I want to go to sleep, but we will talk more. Meet me in the library first thing in the morning or else I'll r-"

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