△⃒⃘- TWO : the night that changed everything

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Hogwarts, Wizarding World
September 1st, 1982
5:48 pm
Location: near the Forbidden Forest

Lizavetta Zalensky was waiting by the greenhouses when Zero and Caspian showed up. She went over her plan with the Gryffindors, who thought she was insane! Nonetheless, they agreed to it anyways. Zero because he was determined to do anything to get back with Ruby, and Cas because he was his best friend and wanted to help him out in any way possible. Plus you do have to keep your quidditch players happy in order to win games after all.

"Any questions?" The fifth year asked, feeling satisfied when the boys nodded their heads, "Good. Let's head that way now then, before someone decides to check the grounds and see that we're missing from the stupid sorting of the first years."

As they were approaching the forest Zero spoke up, "And you're sure this is going to work?"

"Of course!" Vetta smirked, "and even if it doesn't, then it will at least be amusing to watch."

Caspian chuckled as Zero just rolled his eyes, "This better not be some sort of trick."

͛ ͛ ͛

Ophelia Decker was leaned against a tree with her head tucked away in a book. Every year after her first year of being sorted she made it a tradition to sneak away from the castle during the ceremony, to have some time to herself. More often than not, Ophelia would read a book alone in the Forbidden Forest. It was always something that brought her much joy. Plus it beat sitting in the dining hall where she otherwise would do nothing besides wait for the sorting to be over with, which took hours!

The year six Ravenclaw's reading got interrupted after hearing some commotion nearby. It almost sounded as if someone was fighting, so out of curiosity the girl got up with the book in her hands and snuck over that way to observe.

"Why are you here?!" Ashley yelled. Ophelia knew who she was because they shared the same dorm along with the girl's best friend standing right beside her, Ruby.

As far as everyone else there, Ophelia had no clue on who they were. She recognized the male Slytherin who always seemed to be hanging out with Ashley and Ruby. Plus, being in the same year and all they had some classes together. However, she couldn't quite remember his name.

"Smalls!" The only three students that Ophelia recognized turned towards a Gryffindor, crossing their arms at them.

"What?! I didn't mean to tell anyone." They put their hands up in defense, "It just sorta happened, but I promise the only person I told was Lizavetta."

"Who clearly told someone else!" Ashley added, glaring at the other two Gryffindors and the Slytherin girl.

Ruby sighed, "They're just here because they want to annoy us. We might as well leave now and be with everyone else in the Great Hall."

"No, we can't just leave now." The year six Slytherin declared, "We were here first, and we're not going to leave just because they decided to show up and crash our plans!"

Ophelia took a few steps forward, hiding behind a tree that was a little bit closer to the group of people. The last step she took made a loud snapping noise after having accidentally stepped on a twig.

"What was that?" Ruby asked, her eyes widening in terror. Her thoughts only went to the worse, thinking it was some sort of beast. After all, it was called the Forbidden Forest for a reason.

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