FlashBack Birthday #1

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•Midoriya• Flash Back A Year Plus Ago
Today was my birthday the day I turn 15.
It was a great party and everything but at the end of the day one of my moms friends sons friend gave me a gift at the end of the party.

He said not to open it till I get into like a relationship or start getting interest in dating or whatever I don't know why?

I told myself not to open it just like what he said and I tried..I really tried i lasted not opening the gift for a good 4 months until I got curious and I wanted to see what was inside so bad.

I grab the black paper bag and set it on my lap it wasn't heavy nor light. I undo the tape and remove the white glittery paper on top..just to find sex toys..my eyes shot open "who would gift a 15 year old sex toys!?!?" I thought to myself a little blush in my cheeks I got up locked my door even though I'm home alone.

I get back to the gift and see what else is inside I see a dildo..lube a few vibrators  and a note card....

Happy birthday midoriya (was that your name or was it deku I forgot..)  we don't know each other much but I just blessed you with some 'toys' haha thank me later;)

Trust me you'l like em -

From your moms friend sons friend lol:D

It didn't even have a name- I forgot the persons name to-

I just stare at it...-
For a few seconds until I put everything back into the black bag as if it was never touched putting it back into my closet still a faint pink blush in my cheeks.

End for flash back.

Present Time.
Some times I randomly think about thoses sex toys someone gifted me as a birthday present I don't know why.

I mean I don't really know why people are so obese with them I mean...yeah I have jerked off like a few times but barely just maybe a few strokes.

But it doesn't really "please" me I don't know ..??

I wanna know though..
I did watch a few videos..yeah innocent green bean what everyone thinks of me -

Which I like to believe but the fact I watched a few porn videos I don't know- I mean I only watched gay ones though.-

I don't know if I'm gay or straight but I always found guys more attractive I never really put much thought into it if I like someone then I like someone? Right?

It's been a few weeks watching those videos really makes me curious why is it so addicting to people??

So I decided I'd try it out for myself.

I'm home alone I didn't wanna do this in the dorms just in case my doors are locked windows shut it's 9:00PM I don't know why I decided I'd try it at night mom won't be home till late night 3AM probably.

I grab the bag from my closet opening the bag hesitatingly taking off my shorts and underwear not leaving me just with my shirt on.

I'm not sure what to do but I know a few things from thoses video..though I sighed and decided I try with my fingers first before the fake dick or something this will be my first time playing with myself? I guess?

I rub my pointer finger in the tip before slowly pushing it in "argggh" it hurts- like a lot I knew it was coming but I didn't think it would actually hurt I thought the people were over acting.

I stick another finger in groaned in pain making a "hissssk" sound it wouldn't feel good right away ...damn I guess thoses videos weren't kidding.I tried moving my too fingers around a bit a soon it actually started to feel better..

A small moan came out my mouth making me freeze a bit what the hell .. it's like the noises the people make in thoses videos..

I start pushing my fingers in a little deeper earning quiet moans adding another finger in and deeper.

I soon felt my prostate. Making me gasp a little loud I then start to play with it lightly "mhnnn~"

I soon got a little bored I wasn't getting pleased enough I wanted more. It wasn't enough now.

I take out my fingers and open the fake dick it was pink it looked so real too- kinda weird I hesitantly push it in me causing me to pant a little it was kinda a little to big-

I start to twist it in me a little "Ahh~" I barely moved it and it felt so good.

I push it in deeper touching my prostate I gasp/moaned as lust start to take over me I start to push it up and now rubbing it making me a moaning mess "wahhhh~..oh~ wh-y didn't I do~~ ahhh~ this soonnerr~~" I moaned out I paused for a second trying to catch my breathe panting quiet loud as I start to go harder and kinda roughly pushing it into my prostate I was abusing it and soon cum splattered all over my bed sheets and hands "mhnn..~"

I start to stroke myself with my left hand and with my right moving the fake dick in and out kinda pumping it I was kinda in a messy position...my legs spread open back leaning on the wall my tongue practically out with such a slutty face expression.

I didn't care though I was home alone and thsi was the best thing I ever felt randomly.. I moaned out kacchan a name "mhnn~ kacchaaan~..m-moree~." My eyes then shot open "the hell?..."

I didn't know what I was thinking when I moaned out kacchans name I use to have a crush on him when we were kids but I told myself I didn't like him anymore!..

But at the time I didn't even give a fuck I was in a whole different mind set and went more rough with myself kept moaning his name louder and louder "mHnnn~ kacchaaan~~ Ahhhhhh~...h-harder~..katsuki~" at how hard and rough I was going cum came all over my hands bed sheets and all over my legs.

I did a little sigh moan as I took out the dildo head back eyes closed mouth open. I take a look at the clock it was now 9:30PM meaning I was already going for half an hour..- time goes by so fast it felt like 5 minutes!?

I then go back to reality and get up putting back my under and pants on taking off my bed sheets putting my new toys on my desk.
Taking off my bed sheets putting them into the laundry and changing my sheets.

I then took a shower my cum was still spilling out slowly..

By the time I was all finished and cleaned it was 10:40PM I sigh as I sit on my bed looking at the bag in my desk my legs felt kinda sore I was practically limping.

And tried I fell asleep right after knowing that I have school tomorrow and I can't be late.

TBC 💀🤞🏽

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