Whats Gonna Happen #6

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I don't really know if this is gonna work out will kacchan stay the same around me or act differently? I sure hope so- I wonder if we could ever be a normal happy couple it's not that I have doubts just nervous and over thinking like always.

Now I have to face him again goshhhhhh this is all so nerve racking!!!

I sigh at the thought and walk out my dorm heading to my class room......half way there I felt something grab my hand and guess what it was the one and only kacchan I was a bit shock at the greeting- I'll admit tint of blush on both our faces I guess maybe things willl change quite a bit looks like he doesn't care about his ego if people think he's gay

"So things are gonna change a lot now huh?" I smiled "obviously nerd.." I can tell he was slightly smirking
"Now stop fucking around with that icy hot pissing me off" he gritted his teeth a bit

"Heh..Todoroki-kun is my friend kacchan!..I'll just stop leading him on though I'm pretty sure with our uh...unique confession...everyone heard?" Kacchan chuckled a little? That's new-

"HAH of course our confession was special we're not like every other extra deku!" He gave a smug look, looking like a big idiot...a idiot I can now call mine..

We reach out class sadly we had to part ways now even though we'll be in the same room we walked in still holding hands people giving stares one eye caught my attention Todoroki...- damnnnittttt all the guilt is now all over the places I gotta talk to him later! I sat down on my seat LUCKILY me Aizawa came in before students got to ask questions thank god I couldn't reply to them with this guilt of hurting? Todoroki

Class Ended
Kacchan came to my desk "I'm coming with you and icy hot." He said blankly I sigh at the thought of jealous Kacchan such a new side of him I'm enjoying been a grate a week "okk..but I think your presence will just make it harder for Todoroki-kun" I gave a small cheeky smile

"Tch don't care let's go." I nodded in agreement knowing there was no point in arguing before Todoroki could leave the class I grab him by the wrist "heh...hiiii?" I could see Kacchan face palming himself by the reflection of the window. Wow so much for support I guess


"Heh yeah can we talk please?" He nodded

"T-Todoroki I'm so sorry for leading you on it was wrong and I should've never done it! I'm so so so so so so so soorrrry please..you can be mad!" At this point I started rambling more In sorry after a couple minutes kacchan bopped my head not to hard though "DEKU!"

"Arghhh!! Right- uh- sorry Todoroki?"

"It's fine Midoriya..I think I'll  go for sero now" he smiled making me and Kacchan dumbfounded

"Eh?" We both said looking at each other

"I know everyone say I move on to fast huh?"
"mina thought me something last night she said 'bad bitches don't sulk around we fight and move on and walk out like a boss' and that's exactly what I'll do for now on I'm not bad midoriya" he bowed and walked away mina clapping from a distance

Kacchan and I looked back at each other and laughed for a while before we started heading to lunch

"I'm so glad it turned out well"

"Damn half n half bastard is weird as fuck"

At lunch Kacchan and I sat next to each other in my table "dekusquad" just as we sat down my friends immediately started to ask questions "OI EXTRAS ONE AT A TIME" with that the bakusquad connected our tabled to together

For the rest of the day everything was great! I'm glad no homophobic people were all on us I mean I guess you kinda expect it right?

We're at a school full of students trying to be hero's the good people in this world what kind or hero would you be if your homophobic?

T.B.C a/n at this point I think ppl are just waiting for the next smut chapter 💀 to soon in their relationship bestie😻

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