Graduation Party #9

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•Midoriya• Time Skip Class
Kacchan and I walk in class bit sore we the classroom was surprisingly quiet it's usually very loud? We sat at our seats usually ochako and Iida would come to my desk but everyone just sat there frozen I looked back at kacchan he just shrugged at me.

"Guys? Did something happen?" I looked at them all

"Y-you guys...were so loud..and went for hours.." mina said silence in between I looked back at kacchan both of us blushing quite a bit.

"I'm- traumatized-" said ochako.

"I didn't get any sleep" jiro rolled her eyes

Oh shit- her quirk-

"GAghHh!? I'm s-so sorry!!!"

"And we all thought Midoriya was innocent" said sero.

"SHUT UP EXTRAS" Kacchan tried to act like he wasn't embarrassed at all soon mr Aizawa came in

"oi what's wrong with this class it's usually so loud and annoying" he said as he gave us a look

"Tch whatever happened I hope it happens again you guys should be like this everyday" he actually smiled

"PFT-" Kacchan tried not to laugh mr Aizawa just gave a stare .. "ok anyways let's begin class"

God can this day end already-

(A/N) - this story is coming to and end so ig I'll give you guys one last smut chapter 💀⁉️.

Kacchan and I have been dating for about 4 month now everything worked out fine!
Normal day in class 1-A

"ARE YOU GUYS EXCITED FOR THE GRADUATION PARTYYY!!" Mina jumped around along with hagerkera

"HECK YEAH!" Kaminari nudge jiro earning a smack on the head

"Bakubro your coming right" kirishima looked at bakugou

"Tch" that meant yes

"Are you gonna ask out dekuuu" mina nudged him

Thats when I walked in no one noticed though there attention to Kacchan

"Tch I don't need to ask that nerd when we're already dating!"

"WHAT! No you have toooo" Kaminari joined the conversation

"Hey dude! What if he goes with monoma from class 1-B!"

"WHAT HE WOULDNT PLUS I KNOW DEKU WOULD ALREADY GO WITH ME!" He defended that's when I walked over

"I think monoma actually is still available~" I sat at my seat

Kacchan sat there frozen looking at me
That's when his friends bursted out laughing



"Oooo getting little defensive there bakubitch~"

Aizawa walked in "silence" immediately everyone got to there seats as class began

Tch stupid nerd he wouldn't actually go out with that crazy bastard copy cat THAT MOTHER FUCKER DOESN'T EVEN HAVE HIS OWN UNIQUE QUIRK THAT HE HAS TO TOUCH SOMONE FOR ONE.

I grit my teeth as wait for the bell to ring so I can ask out deku or something whatever!

Finally the bell rings I stop by dekus desk
"GO OUT WITH ME NERRD!!" I slam my hand on his desk

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