Accident But A Good One Or? #4

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I ran to my room internally screaming inside WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!?!?! THE KATSUK.BAKUGOU. Kissed ME by CHOICE.NOT DARE? NOT FOR PRIDE.NOR HIS EGO.


Once I got to my room I was a blushing mess thinking about what just happened what will happen later!?

Dose he like me!?

Is he only doing this because of Todoroki...!? oh no oh on! TODOROKI!? I led him on he will be upset if something happens with me and kacchan or kacchan would be piss I don't know what to do!?!

I can't just skip the day oh god I wish I could....

This is all so stressful.

I sigh flopped on my bed my head literally hurts from getting this headache Ugh.m

This might be weird...but it'll help—..
My idea was to fuck myself to get my mind off things and distract myself.

I just roll my eyes And taking off my pants and underwear locked my door before.
And started jerking myself hitting my lip just in case I make any noise.

I moaned a quiet "ah~" after a couple minutes I got hard it was getting harder to keep the moans down just at the time—

Somone knocked at my door "hello Midoriya it's me Todoroki" ahhhh shit really!?! At this time when I'm trying to take my mind off thing  bigger problems come. Seriously ah shit now I have to hide my dick "just a second." I put my pants and underwear back on bring a pillow with me hovering it.

I open the door "h-hello..?what's are you doing here Todoroki..this late?" Shit that came out a little rude..
"I wanted to ask you something..." he looked at me and the pillow "oh..uh actually are you ok?"
Todoroki ask concern

"Huh yeah! why wouldn't I be?"

"You look slightly red...and"

"Oh~ izuku? Are you hard?" He said with a smirk


"Are you hard" he snatched the pillow FUCKING GOD.

His smirk grew widener while I was there bit frozen slightly piss yet won't show it.

"I can help you with that" he began to come closer and now hands around my waist.


He pushed us a little back into my room he started to kiss and suck on my neck what..I don't even know what to do I don't wanna stop him yet I don't want him to help!

"Mm~" I quietly moaned out.
His hands were now in my pants slowly rubbing the tip on my member

I woke up my throat was dry as fuck.
I get up heading to the bottom floor to the kitchen I got in the elevator I accidentally pressed 2 instead of 1 "ugh" I rolled my eyes as the elevator door opened I saw dekus door wide open

did this nerd really forget to close his door before he went to bed what a dumbass

I groan as I walked over to close it but I found..fucking icy hot giving deku hickeys and his hands in his pants. I instantly get piss and grab Todoroki by the shoulder and drag him to the floor making a loud bang but not to loud for people to wake up.

"Ugh what the hells your problem." Todoroki rolled his eyes


"Helping izu~ of course"

"Get the fuck out." I glared
"Make me"

"I grab him by the collar and yank him out closing dekus door.

"You fucking bastard stay the fuck out."
He just scoffed I walked back in dekus room locking the door so icy hot can't get in fucking pain in the ass.

I walked in piss deku sitting on his bed head slightly leaning on his shoulder head down he looked at me

"The hell icy hot was in here Hah?"

Deku sighed and nervously replied "he came in here for a question but totally forgot about it and he started giving me hickeys and etc...?"

"You just let him?"I said piss as if I just got cheated on. "You guys were practically making out his hands in his pants" I rolled my eyes

"I was hard and I didn't know what to do!"

Omg this boy.
He's actually a fucking slut.
Using people for his own pleasure.

"Couldn't you dealt with that yourself?"

"Uh yeah I was until he interrupted my alone time and knocked on my door yeah" deku rolled his eyes

I can't even with this boy right now.

"And you let him?"

"..yeah! It getting kinda boring when you know what's gonna happen so..I just.......use Todoroki as a toy I mean I don't think he even cares at this point" he mumbled the last part

"You fuck your self daily or something?" I gave a smug look

"I guess? It's only something new I found about my self that I was a slut?" He looked at me innocently the way he said that was so innocent to he ain't making the right expression right now- nah.

"You say that so casually- ."

"How do you want me to say it?"
"And why are you here!?"
"Get out!"

"HaH? Are you telling me to get out?"

"Obviously I just said it!"

"You should be more responsible and not just give out your virginity to random people ESPECIALLY that half n half bastard! Actually do you even still have your virginity!?"

"Of course I do! And why do you cate who I throw myself at you not my boyfriend or something!!?" He said a bit offended


Frozen after I just realized what I said "I-"

I looked at deku blush red spread all over his face

(A/N) - let's just say at the moment bakugou alrrr said sorry for the pass and stuff actually let's just say fan continued on the recent chapters😻

Few moments of silence..


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