Guess Were Switches #8

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WARING INCLUDES SMUT LIKE VERY HARD SMUT- 🤪 you freaky bitches be prepared😭

Later on the day we got to the dorm by 10PM most of class 1-A should be asleep or in there dorm already.
I invited deku to my dorm to watch 'movies' this was going to be my pay back show this nerd who's top I just cant legally be a bottom my pride is to big for that no fucking way.

"Kacchan what movie do you wanna watch?" He looked over at me which I came closer and attacked him down on all fours "we ain't seeing anything tonight deku~" I smirked at him he was slightly pink "eh-" was all he said he looked bit frozen "Kacchan we been dating for like 3 days-" I could tell deku was hiding a smirk "well I like to move on fast" with that I started to kiss him obviously he kissed back sooner the kiss got deeper,hotter..

I started nibbling on his lip which he let me in quite easily but he did try to fight for
denomination yet I won soon we pulled away for air I then started giving deku hickeys earning small quiet moans from him.

Ugh I can't with the teasing I just want him in me already can't imagine how it would feel I bet it would feel 10 times better then the fake dick I got from my birthday.

I still wanted to prove to Kacchan that I'd be a top! So I flipped him kissing his chin before I started sucking hiding his ear I knew that was his sweet spot I figured that out at the age of 5

When we were kids I kissed him behind the ear he pushed me away and said "deku! Not there!" I could see his ears were bit pink "heh sorry kacchan!" I didn't know why at the moment but I do now

"Ahh~ d-deku not there!" Heh same old Kacchan I pulled back "but I know you like it~"
"How'd you find it so fast!" He grit his teeth in embarrassment from looking like a bottom at the moment "Kacchan we were 5" with that I started sucking on his sweet spot more earring more moans he tried to keep down I'm gonna enjoy this while it lasts I might never see this side of Kacchan ever again.

I put my hands under his shirt tracing his abs i always stole a few glances whenever his in his hero's costume to bad he lost the tang top!

I pulled back slightly pushing my knee in his member as I took of his shirt "hmm I wonder if your small~" I teased "as if deku I bet mines bigger anyways" he smirked "let's see about that eh?" I took off my knee and unbuttoned him seeing a plain black box shorts I started rubbing the tip with my thumb threw the fabric before I started stroking it "agh~.." I just started - his already hard damn didn't think he'd be this turn on proud of myself ~.

Confident deku hit so different- he's so fucking hot HOW THE HELL DO YOU BE SO FUCKING CUTE AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME.

Soon I was just in my box shorts deku still fully clothed I didn't like that I flipped him back in all fours sitting on his dick.

"This is how it should be." I moved around his member a bit as I took of his shirt taking off his pants "eh? Surprise your not wearing all might underwear deku~" I teased it was just simple black and blue box shorts "Kacchan I grew out of that phase and you know it!" He defended

"Tch yeah right that's a lie you didn't grew out of your all might obsession at all" he rolled his eyes

The teasing went on and on soon we were both bare naked

A/N - yall sry I didn't know how to make a transition and I'm writing all this next to my parents 😭

I put 3 fingers up in dekus mouth "lick~" with that he started to suck and lip them lightly I took them out as I shoved the first finger in "mm~.." deku moaned out "eh? Have you done this before usually it's supposed to hurt at first" I said as I shoved another one in

"N-not with anyone~ ah~ but myself? Hmm~"
He moaned out in between sentences making me satisfied "fucking slut nerd" I started moving the 2 fingers around trying to make a whole as I pushed in another 1 in before I pushed my dick in.

"Ka-Kacchan~" I smirk as I started stroking his in mine "agh~ deku your s-so tight" I fucking loved it "hmm Kacchan go more rough~" I rolled my eyes as I did what he wanted .

I pushed it in a bit deeper "AH~" looks like I found it~ his prostate I went in deeper as I stroke faster "ah~ d~dekuu~ I'm- gonna cum~" I said in between moans
"just do it in me~" I looked at deku his deku rolled back with his eyes he looked so slutty fucking hot-
I comed in him some dripping out.

I went faster though "ah~..kacaachann~ mmm~" deku was a moaning mess I was to it was so warm and wet I slowed down the speed as I couldn't take it we were both panting

I took it out as I was hard-
"Kaacchan~ can you give~ head?"
I blushed a little bit harder then I was before at the comment- I just nodded as we switched out position

Deku was on his knees as I sat from the edge of the bed legs open
I started giving him head it was my first time to.

"mmM~ deku~ y-your going to fast~" I stopped giving him head a while ago he was just now sucking on my member our position changed a while ago too.

I was layed back legs open as deku drink my cum as if it was juice holding the tip as if it was a straw.

I just found a new obsession cum loads!
Kacchan already gave me 2 he tastes amazing
"Kacchan you taste so good~" I stopped and looked at him he looked back

"Deku ride me~"
I was shock at the comment but nodded- we really are doing everything tonight I guess-...not that I'm complaining though! This was way better then doing it alone when I use to ride my pillows by myself when my mom was gone.

Our position changed once again his dick inside me as I ride him his hands on my hips as I spelt my name 'izuku bakugou'.
"Hmm~ izuku~ your so good at this~" oh- the second time I heard Kacchan say my real name in a while since that day he apologized

(Manga spoiler😶)

I was probably riding him for about 15 minutes before I got tried.

We went at it for a while 3 rounds by the time we stopped it was 2AM we started at 10PM- oh well a night we'll never forget I guess?

We drifted to sleep.


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