Drama #2

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I woke up showered and quickly ate as I rushed to school..well more like I tried to fast walk due to the limping my legs hurt so fucking bad—

I didn't know this would be the out come..worth it I guess..-

As I walk into the halls I bumped into the one and only bakugou katsuki...also known as kacchan..my mind quickly went to last night blushing slightly as I go back to reality by a "WATCH WHERE YOU GOING NERD" the loud blonde yells as he stomps like a idiot "S-SORRY!" I yelled as he was already a few steps away.

When I turn around I was greeted with a bright smile from one of my hest friends ochako! "Hey deku!" She said as iida gave a small smile as he stood behind her "Goodmorning Midoriya" he did his classic hand thing "Hah..hey guys! Let's walk to class together yeah?" They simple nodded as we walked to clsss together half way there
Ochako made a comment about how I was walking "are you ok deku you seem to be limping or something..?" He said as he put her finger tip in her right cheek.

"Shoot!" I thought to myself as I tried to think of a Excuse "o-oh it's noting really my legs are just a little sore from training but I'll be alright don't worry about it!" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck as she shrugged it off once we stepped into class we all took our seats.

I saw a glance at kacchan narrowing a brow at me "oi deku the fuck you walking like that!? Hah!" The blonde said looking at me funny as I took my seat "o-oh it's nothing just from training?" Shit why did I make it sound like a question...

"Tch like ill believe some bull shit like that you don't walk like that after training dumbass." He rolled his eyes "w-well I do!"
"Did you get layedddd?" The blonde smirked as he looked at me I imminently blush very noticeable too.. "w-WHAT!? O-of course not!"
He narrowed a brow again..

"Ehh..at first I was just fucking with ya but now..are you for real" he looked kinda shock with turned into an anger expression fast.

"NO! I wouldn't do anything like that!!" He defended a little to fast

"Tch..doesn't seem like it." He kinda mumbled

Right then and there mr.Aizawa walked in with a piss expression like everyday and class began.


(A/N) - hahaaa..in this ua MF already knows his feeling for deku k 😃

Really fucking hope it's from training but it really doesn't look like it. who limps from training and all this dumb nerd did was work on his quirk nothing to extreme or shit what not!?

Whatever who would this dumbass nerd do it with anyways.

Class ended I can see deku limping a little walking out of class I don't bother to talk to him I just wanna hit lunch already.

I can't believe kacchan thinks I did it with someone If anything that's the last thing I want...I walk out of class limping less then last time.

I walk to the lunch room with my friends tsu,ochako,iida we get in line and right behind me was shoto todoroki..

"Are you ok Midoriya you seem to be limping?"
He said with a plain expression "o-oh yeah I'm fine just from training but I'm fine really." I simply replied.

We're sitting at our table we're we usually sit.
With Todoroki,Ochako,Iida,Tsu and me. "Hey Midoriya I heard bakugou say you got layed? Is that true.." he looked a little disappointed yet in reality but mad "u-uh no no no! Of course not!" I said awkwardly iida giving us a brow "please do not talk about such inappropriate things at school we are all here to become pro hero's!" He did his hand thing I simply nodded

I sure hope not Midoriya had sex with someone if anything I want that person to be me I always kinda had a thing for him.
I want him to be my boyfriend we would be such a good couple and bonus points is my 'father' endeavor will be extra piss the fact I would be dating all nights secret love child AND the fact I'm gay Midoriya would be perfect.

Lunch ends me and Midoriya are alone walking to class half way there I hold Midoriyas hand "my hands cold" I simply said with a smile hardly noticeable smile "o-oh ok" he returned a bright smile such an angel we walk to class holding hands getting a few stares
"WAHHH!? ARE YOU GUYS A THING" mina ashido screamed in excite. I looked over at Midoriya seeing him a blushing mess cute..
"Unfortunately not yet" I mumbled the last part as I walk to my seat bakugou give me a glare which I gave a petty smile to piss that dog off.

What the fuck.out of all people that fucking nerd is doing it with that DAMN ICY HOT BASTARD..I can't even I'm so fucking piss out of all PEOPLEEEEEE. HIM!?

I rip out a piece of paper and write on it


I scrambled the paper into a ball and threw it at deku which it the back of his head.

I just drawing in my note book until something hit the back of my head I turn around a piece of paper on the floor I pick it up and meet kacchans eyes he looked pissed..he mouthed the words 'open it' I sigh as I turn back around as I open the paper


My eyes widened a bit and blushed a little he must think this because we came into class holding hands and he thinks I had sex with someone which I actually just fucked myself...I sigh again as I write on the same paper

"No we're not his hands we're just cold if that's why you think we're dating?:)"

I roll the paper back into the ball and throw it back at him which he caught I sight as I go back to my drawing.


"No we're not his hands we're just cold if that's why you think we're dating?:)"

That's some bullshit.that icy hot is tryna pull some shit out his FUCKING QUIRK IS HOT N COLD cant the mother fucker just heat his hand up .

I roll the paper back up and glare at that half n half bastard that bitch just smirked at me..FUCKING HELL "OI YOY WANNA FIGHT OR SOMETHING ICY HOT YOUR ON!" I yelled getting up my seat

"Bakugou sit back down." Mr.Aizawa simple said with a glare "Tch" was all I said and sat back down waiting till class ended so I could have a damn word with that half n half.

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