Just Using Huh? #3

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Class ended I practically stomped as I grabbed Todorokis shoulder as I pulled him somewhere with no fucking extras around. "I can walk" Todoroki said as I moved my hand away "and you can also fucking warm your own hands UP AND YET you can't do that yourself hUh? Dumbass so just let me drag you ass icy hot!" I kinda yelled as we got to a hallway alone.

I shoved him to a wall as I glare at him "Oi you got a thing for the damn nerd hAh?" I said irritated he tilled his head with a 'innocent' smile "yeah I like Midoriya." He simply responded "are you fucking dating him" I send glares

"Sadly not yet but I plan to"

"HAH! AS IF HED DATE YOU" this made Todoroki chuckle

"Let's bet if I can make him to it with me"


"I think Midoriya would like to date me~ I'm fine as hell plus i just need to spend more time with him and sooner or later he'll fall for me~"

"AS IF!"

"Yeah? I'll even try to convince him to do
'It' with me"

"Tch ill believe it when I see it."

"Sure" with that he left."

Fucking bastard the hell dose he mean.

It was almost the end of the day almost every boy in class 1-A is in the boys locker room


Soon kaminari and sero leave,leaving just me deku and icy hot I send death glares at him grit my teeth.
Which the bastard sent back.

I think this was my chance I smirk as I walk over to Midoriya once I get near him I hold his waste and look over at bakugou looking piss as hell "u-uh Todoroki your h-hand?"
I turn Midoriya facing me him looking like a blushing mess again see he must have a thing for me if he's blushing like this.

"Can I" I said looking at his lips and looking back at him in the eyes.

UwbakakakWahhhhhhh?!? What what his he referring too..dose he want to kiss me or something!?!? I screaming inside i feel like im going to burst. "U-uHm.."
"Is this going to be your first kiss or ?" Todoroki smirked a bit.

I thought about it and remembered my first kiss was kacchan when we were 5.

Me and kacchan were watching a movie and a lady came out where a girl and boy gave a kiss "what did they do?" I said looking at kacchan "I don't know let's try it!" He smirked looking back at me with that I just replied with "ok!"
Kacchan grabbed my chin  and kissed me for like 5 seconds and we pulled away "like that?"
The blonde said as he still cupped my chin "I think? I don't know?" With that we went back to the movie.

End FlashBack

"Ugh actually no..?"
"Oh~? Really who was your first kiss then eh?"
"I- oh- it was a long time ago...heh.."
"Kacchan." I simply said and blushing harder at the thought of kissing kacchan.

I smirk and try to hold back a laugh remembering me and dekus first kiss we were so innocent! I was slightly hiding behind the other side of the lockers looking at them

"Did you guys use to date or something?" He looked a little upset?
"A-ah n-noo no! Uh...we were watching a movie and kissed? But it ment nothing we didn't know what we were doing?" At this point Midoriyas skin was a light shade of pinkish red.
"So can I?" I blushed a little
"I- why?" I sigh little and didn't care at the moment I just went in and kiss Midoriya for at least 10 seconds pulled away and walked away with a "I gotta go later~"

..I just stood there frozen my skin going back to normal I didn't even say yes or no? I'm not mad at the kiss nor happy...just what?

I blink a few times before wiping my lips and sigh as I walk out the boys locker room heading into my dorm.

What the fuck was that...!?? Icy hot just kissed deku and walked about damn nerd didn't do shit about it just stood there frozen blinking like an idiot wiping it off..as he should and walked away like nothing happened!?!? ..

The hells up with that.

I was just about to head to my dorm and I was stopped at the commoner room by Todoroki he pulled me in and kiss me again....I just stood there blinking letting him kiss me I just rolled my eyes "whatever just go with it" I thought to myself as I kissed him back. He grabbed my waste pulled me in closer

(A/N) - I know this is like tododeku but trust me this book is BakuDeku 😀

The kiss went deeper at the time I just closed my eyes and pretended as if Todoroki was kacchan like I did with the fake—- anyways

He bit my lip asking for entrance which I simply let him in...basically we were face fucking now...my eyes shut the whole time.
Our tongues played around and soon we pulled away..I spoke first "I- I gotta go..heh.."
He smiled at me "sure" with that I stood frozen again

The hell???? What the fuck is going on they say there not dating yet making out? Damn icy hot walks over to me "see we're not even dating yet he lets me do all sorts of things to him soon enough I'll get under his pants~" he walked away I just scoffed and stared back at deku walking over I grabbed him by the shirt with a piss expression "OI ! So you just let damm icy hot kiss you with no context or shit?"

"I-..I didn't mind??" He said it as if it was a question unsure.

"HAh?!...so you have a thing for half n half."
He sighed and looked at me with sligh blush on his cheeks
"No..I don't..I really don't.I just don't mind if he dose kisses me cause I could just pretend it was someone else I was kissing..."

I just blink at him confused.

"Uh..sure maybe it's bad I'm kinda leading him on he might think I have a thing for him though.."

"Who the fuck do you think of them hAH? Deku" I ask as if it was more important...which it was I slightly smirked.

"I-.why would I tell you! That's like admitting I have a crush on you!" Deku pushed me a little just enough so I let go of his shirt

I blink my eyes widened a bit.
And I smirked with a cocky expression

(A/N) - just like that expression when deku got kicked in the balls by kota season 3 I think😹

"What are you thinking?" Deku said stupidly dumbass didn't even know what he just did

"PFTTT fucking dumbass!!? Didn't you just hear what you just said!?"


"You said tHats liKe AdmiTtiNg I have a cRush oN yOu" I burst out laughing


"NO! To late now deku~" smirk as I walk over to him my pointer finger on his chin making him face me.

"Cant blame you for having a crush on me I'm hot as hell." I sounded so cocky this made deku scoff "oh?"

"Whatever I don't need you to make fun of me right now!" Deku pushed me a little as he headed back to his dorm before he could I grabbed his wrist "ayy!? I'm not making fun of you deku" I pulled him closer almost touching chests.

His face goes to a bright red before he could say a word  I kissed him passionately as If I been waiting my whole life he kissed back.

As we pulled away we just stare into each other's eyes deku having lust and love me having love.

"I- I really have to go now- kacchan..bye!" He ran off I really needa talk to him tomorrow but for now I'm gonna sleep tried ass hell.


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