Friend group

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Breathing heavily, Haechan, Renjun, Jaemin and Yangyang stopped running "that...was....amazing" Renjun said while panting

"Yeah....I didn't actually..... think he would....say anything" Jaemin said

"Guys what if.... he gets in trouble now" Yangyang said

"It's ok.... I kinda deserve it...I literally talked.... back to him" Haechan said still exhausted from the far run, as he went to lean on a wall the bell rang

"Renjun I'm not going to class, let's skip" Jaemin said "yeah sure, Donghyuck do u wanna come too?"


"Yeah, and Yangyang u should come too, we'll get to hung out together"

"U guys know I never... skipped a class before"

"It's ok Yangyang, I never either but I think I'll be fun" Haechan said

"I... guess"

"Also instead of Donghyuck u can call me Haechan"

"Ok sounds good, let's go"

They jumped the wire fence and took a short cut to the mall "ahh~ finally the smell of freedom" Jaemin said as he ran in front of them "Let's go to the arcade Renjun-ssi"

"Calm down, did someone put an extra shot of espresso in your coffee this morning?"

"No😶......I did🙂" Renjun facepalm, how much coffee does this guy drink

They arrive at the arcade and first played Air hockey, first was Haechan vs Yangyang

The game started and Yangyang got to hit it first, the puck was moving so fast Haechan was finding it hard to keep up. Yangyang scored his first point but Haechan caught up and won

Next was Renjun vs Jaemin, both very competitive people, Renjun got to hit it first and he scored his first point using his first shot

Jaemin squinted his eyes and got back to position "let's go"

They started again, passing the puck back and forth until Jaemin scored "1 more point to win" Haechan said

They got serious "come on let's see what u can do injunie"

Renjun scoffed "let's go" they started and the battle was amazing, no one wanted to lose

"Who do u think would win?" Yangyang said to Haechan "hmm.... Renjun" Haechan have a reason to why he picked Renjun and it's not that he thinks he's good it's-

Suddenly Renjun won, "Yayyy!" He said happily

"Wow u guys were amazing, I don't think I want to play against u" Yangyang said as he went by Renjun side

Haechan then walked to Jaemin side "yeah you're right, let's play the basketball game" Haechan said and they all agreed "Jaemin" he said as Renjun and Yangyang was already getting close to the basketball game


"Purposely losing that match for Renjun to win is ✨adorable✨" Haechan said with stars in his eyes

Jaemin blushed "d-don't tell him that"

"Nah I won't" Haechan wrap his hand around Jaemin's shoulder and walking to the rest of the friend group

*Time skip, Jaemin & Haechan conversation*

It was almost lunch so they decided to go back, while walking back Jaemin started talking "I really didn't thought u were going to say that to Mark"

"Ooof was it that bad" Haechan said

"No not at all, it's just no one ever in Mark's whole lifetime ever talk back to him"

"What about his parents?"

"They were never around to even do it"

Oh I didn't know that..."can I ask how u know?"

"Well Mark is a really different person out of school" yeah Haechan knows that, because the freaking stalked the guy "he invites us over to his house and we're all good friends so we know about him but in school he's more tougher because guys like to bully him about this money so he started getting cold to other people"

Haechan know, that's why in his dream the guy called Mark 'daddy's money' "yeah I heard of that"

"But no matter what he does he's still a good person to our eyes" Haechan nodded "he's good in my eyes too"

"More like a pampers for yours" Jaemin said laughing

"Yah! It slipped out and I couldn't hold myself back from saying it"

Jaemin was dying of laughter "plz- his reaction was the best"

Haechan smiled "yeah you're right it was" Jaemin leaned on Haechan to catch his breath "you're really cool, u wanna join our friend group?"

"Is Renjun and Yangyang ok with it?"

"Yeah we're good" Renjun answered turning around from the front and showing a thumbs up

Jaemin scoffed "you will ease dropping this whole time, weren't u?"


"Yes" Yangyang said

Jaemin ran up and threw a weak punch at him "yah come here"

While they were fighting Yangyang started walking next to Haechan "welcome to our crackhead group"


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