At the diner, Ursule and Cruella were sat at the counter waiting for their coffee, "Uh, darling, how much longer for those drinks?" Cruella asked and Granny ignored her.
Will walked into the diner and walked over to the counter, "Hello, mum. Usual, please," Will said.
"Ah, you betcha," Granny said as she handed Will two coffees to go.
"Cheers," Will said as he took the coffees and he turned to leave but Giselle walked through the door.
"Uh... Hi," Giselle said.
"Hey, umm..." Will said.
"Can... Can we talk? I need to find out when you're free to collect my stuff," Giselle said.
"Collect your stuff?" Will questioned.
"Yeah... From yours... I doubt you want your ex around," Giselle said.
"Text me when you want me at my place," Will said and walked out.
Giselle looked at him, "Right... Okay," She sighed and walked to the counter, "Granny, you got my usual?" Giselle asked.
"Still not together?" Granny asked as she handed over a takeaway coffee cup.
"Thanks and uh...Nope," Giselle said as she took it.
"Give it time. If Rose and Jefferson have taught us anything, if it's real and true, nothing can stop that," Granny said.
"I doubt that but... I hope so," Giselle said as she shrugged.
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"Give it time, sweetie," Granny said.
"That's all I've got," Giselle said and left.
Cruella groaned in annoyance then turned to Ursula, "You know, if that old bag still wolfed out, I'd turn her into a coat for my collection," Cruella said.
Regina, Grace and Henry entered the diner and the two villains saw them, "Regina! We could use a heart rip over here. Granny needs a little encouragement in taking our order," Ursule said.
"Yes, a very effective tactic. Didn't you once rip our the heart of every villager in the North Woods?" Cruella said.
"Or was it the south?" Ursula said.
Regina turned to Henry and Grace, "Uh, why don't you two head to my office, get started on the book?" Regina said.
"Sure. Make sure to get chocolate frosted doughnuts, not chocolate doughnuts, okay?" Henry said.
Regina nodded," Mhm," Regina smiled and looked at Grace, "Let me guess... Lemon muffin?" Regina said.
Grace smiled and nodded, "Mhm, yes, please, Grandma," Grace said and she left with Henry.
Regina turned to Cruella and Ursula, "Let me be clear, ladies. If you bring up my former sins around my son and my granddaughter again, you'll find yourselves across that town line faster than you can say 'costume jewellery'," Regina said.