Chapter 24

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At the Charming's family loft, Rose Red, Jefferson, Regina and Emma were stood together talking about what August had told them about the Author being inside the page, "Why is it never easy?" Jefferson asked.

Rose Red chuckled, "It wouldn't be fun that way," Rose Red said.

"Fun?! You call this fun?!" Regina asked.

"I guess your right," Jefferson said and chuckled.

"How the hell is the Author trapped inside the book?" Regina asked.

"Don't ask me. You're the magic expert," Emma said.

"Mom/Mama, Papa," Henry and Grace said at the same time.

"Well, this is insane. What are we supposed to do, draw a key?" Regina said.

"What we need to do is figure out before Gold does," Emma said and Jefferson and Rose Red looked at each other as the two mothers were facing off.

"Mom!/Mama, Papa!" Henry and Grace yelled.

The four adults looked at them instantly, "What is it?" Jefferson asked.

"There's something wrong with August," Henry said.

Rose Red walked over to August and shook him, "August? August?" Rose Red said.

"We need to get him help," Emma said.


They took August to see Mother Superior at the nunnery, "He's been through a lot," Mother Superior said.

"What's happening? He was awake and then he passed out, and..." Emma said.

"Well, he's been changed by magic many times. For him to survive this, he will have to be very strong," Mother Superior said.

"We have a bigger problem," Regina said.

"You're right," Emma said and they walked out into the hallway.

"What is it?" Rose Red asked Regina.

"Gold and these other witches are expecting me. They sent me on a mission to get that page from the book. And if I return emptyhanded, whatever suspicions they have of me will be confirmed," Regina said.

"Then give them this," Emma said as she conjured a duplicate of the page with the door on it.

"Then give them this," Emma said as she conjured a duplicate of the page with the door on it

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"Wow. You're getting good," Henry said.

"I've been practising," Emma said.

Regina took the page from her, "A forgery? This is Gold we're talking about," Regina said.

"Then pull out and we will protect you," Emma said.

Regina sighed, "We still don't know what they're up to. It's a bigger risk not to know," Regina's phone beeped and she looked at it, "That's them. Probably wondering where I am," Regina said.

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