Chapter 25

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In the woods, Emma and Rose Red were looking for the Author with no luck when Jefferson, Jake, David and Mary Margaret ran up behind them.

"The Author, where is he?" Jefferson asked.

"We lost him," Rose Red said.

"Emma... We know him," Mary Margaret said.

"What?" Emma said.

"We met him a long time ago before you both were born. He, um..." Mary Margaret said.

"Manipulated us. It's because of him we were put on the path to causing Maleficent to lose her child," David said.

"It's true," Mary Margaret said.

"No. No, what's true is no matter how you were manipulated, you still did what you did and you lied to me about it! You've been lying to me about everything! About you, about me..." Emma said angrily.

"That's not the case. It's one incident from our past," David said.

"Don't downplay it," Emma said as she backed up from them.

"Well, we've changed. We've tried to become the parents you deserve," Mary Margaret said.

"I'm only the Saviour because you altered the entire state of my being at the expense of someone else's soul," Emma said.

"You're right. What we did and it was wrong. But we... We didn't fully understand what we were doing. We acted out of fear. We're human," David said.

"Yeah, well. Right now, I don't care. None of that matters now. I have to find that author before Gold does," Emma said and she walked ahead with Rose Red beside her, as Giselle and Captain Hook walked up to the group.

With the Author, Isaac, he was deep in the woods as he cuts a branch of wood to make himself a pen.

Mr Gold appeared behind him, "Well, I'm not much of a writer, but I do know something about magic quills," Mr Gold said.

"Such as?" Isaac asked.

"Well, for starters, they must be sculpted from the wood of enchanted trees, which, unfortunately for you, is not an attribute any of the timber in Storybrooke possesses," Mr Gold said.

Isaac looked at the piece of wood he was carving into a pen and he broke it in half, "Damn it!" He turned to see Rose Red and the others coming towards him, Isaac turned back to Mr Gold, "I need to go," He said.

"Yes, you do. Or, um... You could come with me," Mr Gold said.

"Why would I do that? You're quite possibly the biggest... Pain in the ass I have ever had the displeasure of writing about," Isaac said.

"Yes, there is that. But there's also... This," Mr Gold said as he held up a quill.

 This," Mr Gold said as he held up a quill

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"What do you want from me?" Isaac asked.

"You're gonna write me a whole bunch of new happy endings," Mr Gold said.

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