Chapter 27

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New York...

Regina and Robin were out of the apartment, leaving Rose Red, Emma and Lily to watch Zelena. Emma was holding up the dreamcatcher, "Can't believe this survived all that time," Emma said.

"This place belonged to your..." Lily said.

"His name was Neal. He was a lot of things to me. Now he's just gone, thanks to her," Emma said as she looked at Zelena said.

"Sorry?" Zelena said as she shrugged.

Rose Red walked up to her and Emma went to grab her as Zelena placed her hands on her stomach and Rose Red stopped walking, "I think I just felt it kick. You wouldn't want to rattle an expectant mother now, would you?" Zelena said.

"Don't test me bitch. You may be wicked, but I've been worse, don't ever forget that," Rose Red said.

Regina and Robin walked in, "Everyone pack up," They looked at them and Regina glanced at Zelena, "You, too. We're going back to Storybrooke. Tonight," Regina said.



The next day, in Granny's diner, Mr Gold and Isaac were in a booth together, "What is this?" Isaac asked as he held up a bagel.

"It's a bagel," Mr Gold said.

Captain Hook entered the diner, "Did you hear?" He said as he walked over to their booth.

"This is why I hate this place," Captain Hook sat beside Isaac, "Are you sure you wanna start the day by tangling with the Dark One?" Mr Gold asked.

"Hmm. The stand-in Dark One, who can't strike back without charring his heart. You're toothless, old day. So, I get to give you the good news. Emma and Rose are already on their way back and guess what? Neither of them turned evil after all. So, I get to find my happiness, Rose gets to finish hers and you will never find yours. Now for you, never is a long, long time," Captain Hook said with a smile and patted Isaac on his back before he walked out.

"Well, that's bad news. Emma's in charge of happy endings around here. The ink has to contain her blood. It has to be governed by her dark impulses. No Dark Saviour...No ink," Mr Gold started coughing, "You okay? What was he saying about your heart?" Isaac said.

"I'll be perfectly fine once I find another way to get that ink," Mr Gold said.

"You thinks there's a loophole?" Isaac asked.

"Well, there always is. Let's go," Mr Gold started coughing again, he leaned forward and Isaac went to help him but Mr Gold pushed him away, "Forget walking. I have a better idea," Mr Gold said and waved his hand and they both disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


Emma and Regina parked the two cars and the Charming family, Hatter family, Blaze, Jones siblings and Maleficent came to welcome. Rose Red got out of Emma's car and walked over to Jefferson and Grace, hugging them both. She saw Captain Hook and smiled at him and noticed Maleficent stood anxiously.

 She saw Captain Hook and smiled at him and noticed Maleficent stood anxiously

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