Chapter 28

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At the library in the Sorcerer's mansion, everyone was searching through the books, looking for the book that Mr Gold has gotten the Author to write. 

"Nothing. They're all still blank. Whatever the Author is writing, it's not appearing in the books. This is useless," Regina said as she tossed another book.

"Easy, this is not your fault," Emma said.

"Even so, tomorrow, thanks to Gold and the Author, I can wake up a talking frog," Regina said.

"At least you'll wake up. I don't doubt whatever the Dark One has in store for us is a far worse fate," Captain Hook said and Giselle nodded.

"Well, there's no use speculating what he wants. We just need to stop it and if there's nothing useful here, we need to move on, find something else that can help," Jefferson said.

"I might know just the thing," August said as he walked in.

"I might know just the thing," August said as he walked in

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"August. I thought you didn't know anything more about the Author," Rose Red said.

"He doesn't, but he knows someone who does. That's why I called him here," Emma said.

"Who?" Mary Margaret asked.

"The people who gave him his power... The Apprentice. I met the Apprentice once when I was living in Phuket. He was the one who told me about the storybook and that I should learn everything about it," August said.

"I want to know how he was able to leave and Henry, but when others tried they couldn't," Giselle said.

"I left," Regina said.

"Yeah well you could you cast the curse," Giselle said.

"Moving on... If he was in Storybrooke, could you find him?" David asked.

"Well, I haven't seen him. But... That's what he looks like," August said as he held up a drawing of the Apprentice.

"We know this man," Captain Hook said.

"Was he the one..." Emma said.

"Aye, he was... We know exactly where to find him," Giselle said.


At the Apprentice's house, Mother Superior was with them as they were looking down at the circular box that contained the magic hat, "We trapped him in there. We didn't know," Captain Hook said.

"It's okay. It was Gold, not you. Blue was in there, she can get him out," Emma said.

"Don't you need the Dark One's dagger?" Jefferson asked.

"Well, not if I have something that belonged to The Apprentice," Mother Superior said.

Captain Hook handed Mother Superior the broom and using her magic she was able to free the Apprentice.

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