Non-stop feel the heat inside

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Smut :")

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Chan peppered featherlight kisses down the length of Felix's bare shoulder and back, before travelling up the same path and resting his chin on the kiss he placed on the concentrated area of brown freckles at the base of his shoulder.

It was a little early for him to be awake, the digital clock blaring a bold 5.47am.

But (as usual) he couldn't sleep.

Not with Felix's warm, plump skin pressed up against his front, with deep, slow breaths flowing from his lungs. Felix looked peaceful, and not to be a creep like Edward Cullen but he could watch the younger in this state for hours on end.

Perhaps it's because he looked younger, not carrying the burden of being Korea's biggest mafia leader- he reminded Chan of when they first met, when the only problem Felix had to face was handing in assignments, or whether he wanted a white hot chocolate or a chocolate mocha.

But he also loved this Felix. Felix who would do anything to protect him, Felix who was willing to risk it all for Chan.

Because Chan would do the same- he'd put his life on the line for Felix. His pretty, skilled, warm, Felix.

"Lix?" Chan called out softly, coaxing the younger out of his sleep gently. His palms pressed against Felix's abdomen, fingertips drawing circles, his blunt nails scratching lightly.

"Chris?" Dazed, the pinkhead shuffled to face the older, eyes squinting with sleep. "Can't sleep again?" His words slurred, but Chan could still hear the worry in his voice, as his hand rose to rest on his pale cheeks.

He hummed in reply, tilting his head to peck Felix's palm.

"How long have you been awake?" The younger shifted impossibly closer, curling around the older and tucking his head under Chan's chin, yawning silently.

"Not long."

He lied. He's been awake for the past four hours now. But Felix didn't need to fret over him.

"Don't lie to me."

Nevermind then.

But instead of pushing Chan to reply, Felix stretched like a cat before sitting up and climbed out of the bed.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." Without waiting for his answer, Felix had stumbled off, naked as the day he was born, hair a mess but Chan couldn't be any fonder, and he really thought he couldn't love the younger more than he already did

But he keeps proving himself wrong, time and time again.

So he waited obediently, throwing his legs over the blankets and cuddling Felix's pillow whilst staring at the ceiling with the biggest, cheesiest smile on his face.

Soon enough, the sound of bare feet slapping against marble tiles grew closer, making him tilt his head towards the door to find Felix (who had thrown on a random shirt- probably Chan's since it was black and fell off his shoulders from how large it was on the younger). He walked with his eyes glued to the gigantic mug cupped between his palms, biting his lips in concentration as he glanced up once in a while to make sure he was moving in the right direction.

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