. • ° ○▪︎☆▪︎○ ° • .

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I can't believe I've done this I wanted to keep this angsty :D

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Morning arrived and one by one, guests had begun to exit the Palace, making their way to the gates trailed by servants who carried their belongings.

Felix was one of the first to be waiting for his carriage, but it was running late, so he stood to the side, alone and daydreaming about anything and everything to keep his mind off of the present reality.

He had cried himself to sleep on the floor yesterday and now his head was throbbing in pain and his eyes felt sore to the touch.

Despite all of that, he made sure to keep his warm persona, smiling at everyone he walked passed and thanking all the palace staff who had helped him pack his belongings as well as help him carry them all the way to the other end of the large structure.

Felix has yet to see Chan today so there's a plus.

"King Felix."

Felix startled at the sound of his name being called, a white haired male dressed in royal attire bowing slightly in greeting.

But Felix was quick to respond, and returned the gesture as he greeted the Prince in front of him.

Chan's younger brother.

"Prince Jeongin. It's been a while."

"Indeed," Jeongin rose from his bow, flashing Felix a lazy smirk before shifting to stand besides the king and watch the crowd of guests shrink slowly from the top of the Palace stairs. "How are you?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Jeongin chuckled lowly, his tongue running over his teeth as he observed Felix from the corner of his hooded eyes.

"You are a fool to have fallen in love with my brother. You should know by now, he cares for no one but himself, not even his wife."

"You think I don't know that?" He muttered under his breath, hoping Jeongin didn't see him roll his eyes. He pulled his fur robe around him tighter, silently cursing his tailors for providing him with such thin wear for a kingdom of ice and snow.

He was surprised when the white haired, blue eyed Prince removed his coat and placed it over his shoulders, instantly warming his shivering body.

"I want it back before you leave though."

Felix let out the smallest of smiles grace his lips, (the most genuine in the past two days) before whispering "of course. Thank you."

Pushing locks of golden hair behind his ear with gloved fingers, Felix took a seat from where he was standing, feet resting on the first step as he watched Jeongin's figure disappear into the crowd below him.

He sighed.

The king was feeling drained of all his energy and the morning had barely begun.

"You are still here."

Instinctively, his body fell limp at the familiar, monotonous voice that belonged to the newly wedded king.

Before stiffening in realisation.

Taken ▪︎ Chanlix✔️Where stories live. Discover now