10. | madeline

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F A M I L Y   D I N N E R

F A M I L Y   D I N N E R

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Saturday 3rd May

To say I was not nervous was a lie. At first I was so confident about meeting his family, it's not like I'm marrying his fine ass, it's just for the time being. But now that I'm in the car, my nerves are all over the place.

I'm surprised Carson hasn't noticed.

"So tell me more about your family, you've only told me about your mum so far", I ask, honestly curious, but then at the same time I'm trying to calm these fucking nerves down.

"So there's my mum, who you've met. My dad, who obviously retired from owning the company who basically now just sits around and watches football. If you get to know him well and he trusts you, then he's a nice chap", he says in a British accent and I giggle, "My older brother, Ethan Blake. That little fucker is basically my twin, even if we weren't born on the same day, at the same time. He's a ladies man so if he flirts with you, I'm always here", his head spins to me, a cocky smile on his face and I roll my eyes.

"Eyes on the road, mister", I remark and he cocks a brow, "Not my fault you're too distracting."

"And lastly, there's my sister, Scarlett Blake. my sassy, arrogant but clumsy twenty-four year old sister, the youngest of the Blake's. But she obviously is too smart for her own good so she might be able to tell this, is fake", he points between us, meaning me and him.

At this point, I'm not listening. Why, why do guys always gotta say something, anything, and I immediately get butterflies.

Not my fault you're too distracting.

I'll put a paper bag over my head then, we'll see if I'm too distracting then.

I see we make it to large black gates, which I'm guessing is the entrance to the residence. Yes, he's lived in a fucking mansion all his life.

He pushes in the pin, the gates slowly opening, letting him drive through and up the rocky driveway, the pebbles crushing together against the tires.

"Should I be nervous?" I blurt out as we park in front of the mansion, "I mean, we're only fake dating. But then again, it is your family. And meeting family is a big deal. Wait, oh my god, no I can't do this", I ramble, shaking my head as I close my eyes, frantically still shaking my head.

Two rough hands are placed on both my shoulders and I open my eyes, Carson in front of me with a relaxed face expressed. How the fuck is he not nervous? I'd be shitting my pants. Wait, fuck, I think I am.

"Relax, I promise you have nothing to worry or be nervous about. MY family are chill and they'll love you. Trust me." He explains and I huff, taking in the air before slowly nodding.

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