Chapter 1: New World Order

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Standing in his room, Sam Wilson ironing his shirt, finishing he places the ironer down, turning it off, and pulls the shirt on, he turns to his bed and pulls the coat on, looking at himself in the mirror then looks down at the shield Steve passed onto him.

He turns to the bed, towering over the shield, rubbing his fingers together, he sighs, then picks up the shield and places it away in the shield pouch Steve left him. He turns back to the mirror and looks at his reflection.

"How does it feel?"

"Like it's someone else's."

"It isn't."


The plane flew through the clouds, breaking free from the blinding clouds, flying out into the clearing. "The criminal organization known as LAF is targeting Captain Vasant one of our military liaisons." the CO informs him.

Sam turns to him, in full uniform, "LAF?" he asks him, "Yeah, they're high-powered. We lost contact with Vasant's plane just after it took off." he states as they look at the scan off the plane. "But then we were sent this," he states, pulling up another scan.

It was of the plan, showing the number of hostiles, who they were, their weakness and specialty, and where they were keeping the captain. "Do we have an inside eye?" Sam asks.

But the CO just looks at him, "Worse. A very powerful information broker, he calls himself the Shadowbroker. A man that works from the shadows and can find every little dirty secret sorted away in the darkest if cracks." he informs him, Sam flicks his eyes back to the screen. "We need you to make sure that LAF doesn't deliver on their threat," he informs him. Sam turns away and walks to the back. "Vasant's plane has already entered Tunisian airspace. US military cannot be seen operating out there," he warns him. "I got it," Sam assures him as he presses the button and the hatch open. "You guys fly low, drop me off, I fly up to intercept. No treaties violated." he sums up, shouting over the wind.

The CO just looks at him, "First Lieutenant Torries, our Intel officer, will be helping on the ground." he informs him, Sam steps back as he pulls his goggles on "and Sam, this has to be subtle." he warns him, Sam just grins, "Subtle. Got it." he states, holding his arms out wide and fell back.

Falling from the plane then turns back and engages his wings and charges through the winds. Down on the ground, Torries just watches the sky, using his binoculars, and spots Sam in the air. "Sam, Torries here. Sending intel to your HUD right now," he states toggling at his intel pad.

Sam raised his head as the goggles flashes with the intel, "I'll be your boots on the ground, sir." he informs him, Sam charges through the air as he spotted the plane keeping out of radar. "I got eyes on a plane. Any sign of LAF?" Sam asks him as he flew in closer "Nah. Nothing yet. But I'll keep tracking the chatter." Torres informs.

Sam flew up over the plane and lays on the top just over the head of the cockpit, his wings retreated into the pack, and peeks inside, seeing the copilot was limp dead, but the looks at the pilot that was flying the ship.

He quickly pulls his head out of view, "They've already hijacked the plane." he warns Torries. "Oh, we're gonna need to call some people," Torries informs him as Sam peeks back out, but the pilot turns his hand and gasp in surprise as he spotted Sam, the soldier thinks and lets go of the plane, falling back and engages his wings. "Did you see that?" the pilot asks in French as he points to the window.

The leader and old enemy, Bartroc step into the cockpit. "I saw a man in the windshield." he states and Bartroc just shook his head, "Louie, I'm gonna kill you!" he snaps, shoving the man's head away and walks back onto the back.

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