Chapter 4: The Whole World is Watching

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6 Years Ago...

On the outskirts of the city of Wakanda, the fire was dancing in the wind, James Barnes sat in front of the fire, staring at it with worry as Ayo was standing off to the side with Millie next to her, "It is time." she tells him.

He inhales deeply "You sure about this?" he asks her, "Millie and I won't let you hurt anyone." Ayo assures him, Millie steps over next to him, sat down, and grips his hand in hers and he looks at her, "I'll be right here." she assures him, he pressed his forehead against hers then pulled back and looks back at the fire. She looks up at him and nods at Ayo, who inhales and took a step forward.



Bucky kept his eyes on the fire as his hand was now trembling as he grips Millie's hand tightly. She looks down at their hands momentarily then back at him, understanding his fears.


Bucky shook his head as tears formed in his eyes, "It's not gonna work." he mutters, Millie just smiles and webs their fingers together. "You're not alone, Bucky," she assures him.


Then his memories of Hydra came flooding back, all the horrible things he's done in the last 70 years.


The events of the civil wars.


Nearly killing Steve and Millie. The torture, Tony's parents.


Millie discovering the truth, kneeling over Steve and his half-beaten face looking back up at him.

"Vozvrasheniye an rodinu."

Bucky clutches his face as the tears were ready to pour from his eyes, Millie just looks at him, seeing he was ready to fight off the Winter Soldier.


"tovarniy vagon."

Bucky kept waiting for the Soldier to appear and take control, but he just sat there and felt... nothing. Millie just looks at him, a soft smile graces his lips. Tears stream down his cheeks as he just exhales.

Millie reaches over and wipes a tear from his cheek. He just looks at her in surprise as he was still himself. She sniffed as her own tears formed in her eyes, More tears stream down his cheeks as he just looks at her, she nods at him in assurance.

Tears formed in Ayo's eyes as she looks at the two, "You are free." she tells him, Bucky looks up at her, wondering if it was just a dream, she nods at him. "You are free," she said to him again, he looks away, Millie lets his hand go and pulls him into her arms, and hugs him tightly.

Bucky just cries in her arms, gripping her arm tightly as Ayo just looks at them, a smile on her face as the two were finally free.

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