Chapter 5: The Truth

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That's all she could do now, trying to outrun her fight in the plaza, outrun the emotions as they were spiraling.

"I can't believe you got that. A vibranium shield."

"What, you don't like it?"

"It looks like an oversize dinner plate you would bring to a Christmas dinner."

Stumbling in her steps, she didn't stop until she came to a warehouse, panting as she was trying to breathe. She quickly presses her hand to the button, her mask ripples off her face and she was hyperventilating.

"Oh really, you're gonna pick on me for this shield. What about your gauntlets?"

"What about them?"

"They look like oversized bracelets that when out of style centuries ago."

"Hey, I like them!"

Pacing back and forth, she couldn't find her breath, gripping her head, trying to shake off her spiraling emotions, pounding the heels of her hands into her head as she couldn't think.

"And I like this shield, so back off."

"All right, I won't tease, but please tell me you're at least paint it. It really does look like a dinner plate."

"Of course, I wouldn't be Captain America if I brought an oversized dinner plate into battle."


Reeling her head back, she screams at the top of her lungs, red mist bursting from her body as the mist ripples throughout the warehouse. Then she exhales as she stops and everything went quiet.

"Steve, are you sure about this?"

"We lived a long time, Millie. And all you and I ever did was serve. But I think it's time for me to pass on the mantle."

"Please tell me you're not going to pass it on to me because I will get into so much trouble with it."

She sank to her knees and sat there, her memories playing back the last time she saw her brother.

"I don't know. Millie Sonja Barnes, the first female Captain America. It's gotta nice ring to it."

"Hm... even if I wanted the shield. You already chose a successor for it."

"You know me too well."

The tears drip from her eyes as she just sat there, slowly pulling her hands up and grips a handful of her hair.

"I have no idea what I'm going to do now, now that you're gonna..."

"You'll be okay. Millie, you're stronger than you give yourself credit."

"I just... don't wanna say goodbye."

"You won't. We'll see each other again. And besides, you have Bucky."

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