Chapter 6: One World, One People

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The Movement is Ready.

They're not going to stop.

Not unless we make them. It's time.


"There's a complete lockdown at the GRC meeting in Lower Manhattan where authorizes are saying they're tracking Multiple threats from groups seeking to stop the GRC's voicing on global resettlement. There is a no-fly zone affected..."

The news was going wild as a Military swat team has the entire building surrounded. Reporters were laying out the news and the police force came in seconds.

"...and the NYPD has the area secured for the moment. Everyone is urged to stay clear.."


The senators looked around the room, not sure what was going on, but they were annoyed but it.

" I'm almost there," Sam informs Bucky as he steps towards the crowd. Shooting a quick look over his shoulder. "What's the plan?" he asks him. "Karli's gotta be close. Keep your eyes open." Sam informs him as Bucky walks towards the barricade. "Yeah, well, it could be anybody," he informs him. "He's right, Sam. Karli has the support of the people behind her, and any one of them could be her." Millie warns him.

The Soldiers step out of his way, "Sergeant Barnes." one said to him, Bucky said nothing and walks through them. "And by the way, I called in some backup." Sam informs him, "Excuse me, sir." a man calls out and Bucky turns to him, "Are you suppose to be here?" the man asks, Bucky said nothing as the man taps the side of his head, the mask ripples in effect then was removed to reveal Sharon "It's me." she states.

He just blinks at her, "Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?" Bucky questions her. "Relax. No one is looking for me." she assures him and they walk off to the side, " Do I hear Sharon?" Sam asks him. "Sadly." Millie answers, "Unfortunately." Bucky said. "Hey, Sam. I thought I'd get the band back together," she said into her earpiece. "Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here." Sam informs her as Bucky was keeping an eye of the perimeter. "I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be, anyway," she informs him.

Bucky shrugs at her, "Depends on the therapist." he informs her, " And how much patience you could spare." Millie adds in "They're going to move on the building soon. Be ready." Sam warns them.

Millie focuses her spyglass onto the building as she saw the room was getting fogged with smoke, "Sam, I've spotted two Flag-Smashers inside, they just threw out smoke grenades." she warns him, "Copy that." he answers, "The senators escaped through the doors, I'm following them." she informs him as she places her spyglass away and vanishes off the roof.

The senators ran out the door, the other half of the people inside were stopped as a Flag-Smasher was blocking the way, but the shield was thrown into the room, smashing through the glass and hits the Flag-Smasher standing in the way.

It flew back to the window as the Falcon flew through the window, smashing the glass and he rolls onto his feet, revealing the Falcon was now Captain America. He walks over towards the Flag-Smasher, removes his mask, only to find it was just a local. He pulls away and places his shield onto his back, "Sharon, Bucky. Millie is currently relocating, what's going on on your end?" Sam asks as he looks around the room. " Nothing. All quiet." Bucky answers and Sam marches forward, "I'm sorry, who are you?" a Guard asks him.

Sam just shot him a look, "I'm Captain America." he answers and stunned the guard. "I thought Captain America was on the Moon." the guard said aloud. "No one is moving towards the building." Sharon informs him, "Karli's not coming on, She's trying to force everyone out." Sam warns them and turns back to the guard. "East evac teams..." he states, as Sam turns to him, "It's a misdirect. We gotta keep everybody inside," he warns but the second Flag-Smasher came running towards him.

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