Chapter 2: The Star-Spangled Man

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Unzipping the bag and revealing the suit, the soldier steps through the old locker room of his high school and pulls away from the name sticker, and reveals the old name sticker. John Walker.

He sighs with a smile as he remembers everything he did in his teen years. "Reliving the glory days?" his wife asks him, he turns and looks at her, smiling. Both of them chuckle as John pulls away and sat down on the bench. "I remember sneaking into this locker room before each game to see you," she states as she strides slowly, looking around at the locker room.

John just smiles to himself, "It's probably why we always won." he said with a smile. "You nervous?" she asks him, he looks back at her, "Who, Me?" he asks, she nods at him. "Never," he answers with a chuckle and looks away, but she smiles and walks up next to him. "I've been a captain before, obviously, but this is different. This is..." he pauses and shot a look over at her, "Everybody in the world expects me to be something. And I don't wanna fail them." he tells her.

She just places her hand on his shoulder "I know." she states. "Yeah," he mutters to himself. "Be yourself," she tells him, he nods at her, muttering a yeah. "They're going to love you," she assures him and he looks up at her and smiles. He sat up as she held up her pinky. "Good luck," she tells him, he links his with her and kissed their hands.

Then she pulls away, "Love you." he tells her, she smiles as she looks back at him, "Love you." she said back and walks towards the door. Then his partner walks in, "Did he puke yet?" he asks her, she smiles at him. "Not yet. You're up," she tells him and walks out of the lockers. He nods "Copy that." he answers. "Good morning. Good morning, America. Good morning." John said aloud. But then sighs as he leans forward. "No, you're Captain America, you're not..." he mutters and stood to his feet. "Good morning. John, Captain, uh... Captain America." he mutters to him.

His partner just leans against the lockers with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, "And that's why you failed Drama class." he calls out and John turns to him and laughs, happy his best friend was with him and leans back against the lockers. "Can you believe this?" he asks him. Lemar just chuckles at him. "I know, right? Two weeks ago we're prepping the team for a special ops mission in Chile, now this," he states.

As John just paces, rubbing his brow. "Don't get me wrong, this has been great, it's been great, but it's been a lot of handshakes, a lot of suits, a lot of speeches, and senator meetings," he states and looks at his friend. "And I just wanna do the job," he tells him and exhales. Lemar just looks at him, "This is the job, John." he tells him, "Yeah." John mutters to himself and looks away, "All of it is. Star-spangled man with a plan and all that. It's always been in the job description." Lemar states as he steps up to the suit bag and looks at the suit inside.

He places his hand on the suit and looks back at John. "Listen, this suit, it comes with expectations, brother," he states and John nods at him as he doesn't doubt it. "You can't just punch your way out of problem anymore, you know?" he states and John nods at him, "Time to go to work." Lemar states, padding his shoulder, and walks out of the room.

John smiles as he watches him leave and looks back at the suit, standing in front of it. He pulls the flaps open wider and takes it all in, "Time to go to work."


The band outside the began making a beat and broke out into a song, everyone gathers on the stands were cheering for the big welcoming, John dressing in his Captain America attire was signing autographs and taking pictures, thanking the people for coming.

The cameramen were ready as John was jogging up, high-fiving one of the bandsmen. He stands on the stand and waves at the people, then the interviewer steps up and stood next to him. "Ladies and gentlemen. Your new Captain America!!" she calls out on the mic.

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