Chapter 3: Power Broker

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When half of us came back, it was time to rejoice and reunite. The Global Repatriation Council knows that for many it wasn't that easy.

So much has changed. But we're here to help you find your way.

Helping you back into your homes and jobs.

Helping you navigate change to society law and borders.

Helping you get back to the way things were.

GRC, the Global Repatriation Council.

Reset. Restore. Rebuild.

Men groan in annoyance as they watch the ad, "God, and people actually believe this shit?" one asks, the refugee just shrugs at him. The man just nods at him, "Well, I understand how you feel because, I really do." he states, the refugee just nods at him.


Munich Germany.

Then the man looks over at the woman as she was handing people supplies. "Hey, boss. Can you believe this? The government wants to help out in this crisis of ours." he states. Madam Red turns to him, "Don't believe everything you see on the T.V." she calls out to him.

The refugees thanks her and she nods at them, "Besides, weren't you two playing chess?" she asks them as she places the empty bin away. "We did. Long kicked my ass with just three moves," he informs her, pointing at the refugee Long next to him. Madam Red just chuckles at them as a child ran up and hugs her.

Madam Red looks down at her and smiles, patting her head, "Thank you." she tells her, Red just smiles back at her, "Of course. That's why we're here. To help." she tells her. The little girl smile and hugs her once more then ran back to her mom as she picks her back up.

Red smiles at her as she thought of her own daughter, but then her thoughts shift to her husband and she frowns under her mask. "Entschuldigung?" old German calls to her, she snaps from her thoughts and looks at him. He was in his 90s, reaching the end "Ich habe eine Frage an Sie." he tells her, she nods and scoots over.

The old man sat down next to her, "Mein Name ist Satin." he introduced him, she nods her head at him, "Schön dich kennenzulernen, Satin, welche Frage möchtest du stellen?" she asks him, he hums. "Warum uns helfen? Warum kümmern?" he asks her. She went quiet for a moment then exhales. "Denn nach meiner Erfahrung und allem, was ich gesehen habe, kümmert sich die Regierung nicht um die Leute, von denen sie behaupten, dass sie helfen wollen, sie haben jemand anderen geschickt, der sich darum kümmert. Aber ich kümmere mich. Über diese Welt und die Menschen und ich möchte helfen, wo ich kann." she informs him.

The old man nods at him, "Und weil ich im Gegensatz zur Regierung nicht weglaufe und meine Waffe in die Gesichter der Leute richte, um etwas zu fordern. Ich werde nicht wie sie." she answers, Satin smiles to himself. "Du hast viel Gutes getan. Captain America wäre stolz auf Sie." he tells her, his words caught her off guard, but chuckles, "Ich bin sicher, Captain America würde mir eher Handschellen anlegen. Nochmal." she said rhetorically.

Satin smiles then went to stand, Madam Red Immediately grabs his arm and helps him stand, "Ich habe nicht über den neuen Captain America gesprochen." he informs her, she looks at him in surprise as he pads her shoulder. "Du bist ein guter Mensch mit einem guten Herzen. Verliere das nie," he tells her and wobbles off. Madam Red just watches him leave and sat back down. But then her phone rings, she pulls it out and it was a security fee of two certain someone walking into a certain prison.

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