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Winter is a season which symbolizes love, harshness, death and detachment. It is adored and loathed by people for it allures humans to the danger that resides underneath the tender snow.

Winter is a season of ice, thus the warmth of the sun is hidden from the world. Winter appears and vanish just like any other else.

Baji keisuke stands by the window of his classroom, watching as the cold air fogged the glass. His class just finished and all of his classmates, except his friends, already walked to their next class.

The group watched baji gazing at the window with eyes wide and not blinking. They were weird out by his behaviour after he returned from his summer vacation, one minute he was playful and energetic the next he was spacing out.

"Oi, do you think baji's brain gone nuts?" pah chin said.

The others looked at him before laughing.

"Baji? Brain? Since when?"

"I'll be damned if one day baji is smarter than me"

"Don't bully baji-san!"

"If his gone nuts its all mikey's fault"


"Shut up all of you we're late for class" Mitsuya the ever so responsible and perfect human he is packed his belongings before calling out to baji.

"Baji, We should be heading to our next class
now." he said.

Baji was snapped out of his thoughts, widening his eyes and rushing to pack his things.

"Fuck, everyone left already?" he Questioned.

All of them nodded in response "We're just waiting for you but you seemed to be busy kissing the window to notice" kazutora teased.

The other laughed at what he said. Baji grumbled, he was seriously going to punch kazutora one of this days.

"Thanks for waiting"

After he finished packing, they all walked to their next class.

The school bell Chimed signaling the end of school.

Multiple students begin to fill the school gates as they rushed home. The group of friends walked talking about the weird things that happened today in school.

"I've meet this dude with weird pigtails. He looked like Annabelle in the dark, I swear."

"Izana punch me earlier for stealing his lunch box."

" Nah bro, Angry cried earlier you should've seen how fast i ran far away from him"

" That's it? I caught taiju praying in the bathroom."

"Shut up, I saw sanzu inhaling some powdered sugar and koko sniffing his money. Gross"

They keep on talking until they seperated ways home. Baji invited chifuyu to eat peyoung yakisoba which the boy gladly accept.

Now here they are in his house splitting the yakisoba in half, as the tv noises mixed with their talking.

Alot happened while they eat.

Chifuyu choked on water so baji being the nice friend he was punched his back. Resulting for chifuyu to yell in pain.

Then baji forgot to turn off the faucet after they cleaned the dishes. Now they have a aching back and a wet floor.

after fixing all the problems, chifuyu bid goodbye and thanking for the meal.

"Mom I'm going to take a bath" he said.

"Huh but eat your snacks first" his mom said. Giving him a box of doroyaki.

"I already ate with chifuyu, I'll save this for later" he said, putting the box above the fridge.

"Oh ok"

Laying on his futon baji stared at the ceiling again.

No matter what he do he can't take you off his mind. He tossed and turn but still he found himself thinking of you.

'Is y/n doing ok? Is she cold right now? I hope she's safe' he thought.

Slowly his eye lids begin to feel heavy, fighting off sleep which he failed. Baji keisuke slept the night thinking of Y/n.

 Baji keisuke slept the night thinking of Y/n

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-sorry he's a little ooc

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