Will Wheaton

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It's Friday night and I'm sitting in my basement watching 'dirty dancing' with my 3 best friends, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim and Will Wheaton. We're laying on a blanket on the floor with snacks spread out in front of us. I'm in the middle of Will and Corey.H watching Patrick Swayze intently on the screen.
"He's so hot." I say not taking my eyes off of the screen.
"Eh, I'm hotter." Corey.H says grabbing a handful of popcorn.
"Yeah right." Corey.F says taking another twizzler.
"Ok, none of you are hotter than Patrick Swayze so shut up." I say taking some popcorn.
"Not even me?" Wil says pouting with his bottom lip out.
"Not even you Wheaton." I say booping his nose. He rolls his eyes and turns back to the screen.
"Whatever, I know you're in love with me." He smirks. I look over at him but he pays me no mind. Both Corey's laugh.
"Shut up." I say blushing furiously.
Soon the movie ends and we all go up to my room to go to sleep. I take out an air mattress and blow it up for the Corey's to sleep on, and Wil sleeps in my bed like he usually does. We all get settled in and I get up to turn off the light. On the way back, I struggle to get back into bed so Wil helps by holding my waist and lifting me over him. Thank God the light is off.
"Thanks I say pulling the blanket over me.
"Mhm." I replies.
After a little while I finally drift off to sleep only to have a horrible nightmare and wake up not even an hour later. I sit up quickly, breathing heavily.
"It's not real, stop being a bitch." I whisper to myself over and over again, trying to make myself believe it. After a minute Will sits up beside me.
"Hey y/n, are you ok?" He whispers to me putting his hand on my lower back, and I get butterflies.
"Um, yeah I think so I just had a nightmare." I say running my hand through my hair.
"Oh, do you want to talk about it or-"
"No no, it's fine it was stupid anyway. More weird than scary." I laugh lightly. He laughs too.
"Ok, well do you need anything?" He asks.
"Water, but I'll go get it myself." I say getting up. He helps me over him again and I go downstairs quietly getting water. When I'm done, I put the glass in the sink and turn around to see Wil leaning in the doorway. I gasp and put my hand over my heart.
"Jesus Will, you scared me!"
"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were ok." He says putting his hands in his pajama pants pockets.
"Why wouldn't I be ok in my kitchen?" I giggle. He shrugs and walks over to me taking his hands out of his pockets. He pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear giving me butterflies.
"What're you doing?" I ask.
"Mm," he says shaking his head lightly. He leans in closer to my face but stops right before our lips touch.
"You're really beautiful, you know that?" He says. I don't respond, I'm too flustered. He smiles then closes the gap between us, connecting our lips. It was a long, passionate kiss. The kiss I've been waiting for. We both pull away after a minute. He puts his forehead on mine and sighs.
"I really like you y/n." He says putting his hands on my waist.
"I really like you too." I say quietly. He kisses me again, but quicker this time.
"Come on, let's go back to bed." He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to my room. We get into my bed as quiet as possible and get comfortable. He wraps his hands around my torso and buries his head in my neck.
"Goodnight y/n."
"Goodnight Wil."

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