Corey Haim

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I'm at a party with my best friend Corey. He dragged me here saying it would be good for me to meet people and be social. I've liked him for a while now which is the only reason I agreed to come here.
I'm standing in the corner with a beer in my hand when an older guy walks over to me with a smirk.
"Hey, what's a pretty thing like you doing over here alone?" He asks leaning on the wall.
"Oh, my friend is over there," I point to Corey sitting on the arm of the couch laughing with a few of his friends.
"Well, since you're not having fun with them why not come have some fun with me?" He puts his hand on my waist getting close o my face. I don't hesitate to slap him an walk away quickly.
"Slut!" I hear him yell from behind me. I walk over to the drinks table and grab a beer. I pop it open and chug it, getting a couple people's attention. I grab another one and open it begining to chug that one too.
"Woah woah woah, hey slow down there champ alright?" Corey says walking over to me.
"Yeah well this is the only way I'm going to remotely enjoy this party so-"
"Y/n, I'll take you home if you want ok?" Corey says trying to take the bottle out of my hand. I snatch it away from him.
"No no, please go have fun. I'll be fine." I give him a fake smile.
"Y/n, please stop."
"Why? you dragged me here, why not have some fun!" I chug the beer and drop the bottle. Corey stares at me with a shocked look while everyone else cheers.
"Y/n, this isn't you. Why're you doin' this?"
"God you're an idiot aren't you?" I say.
"Why am I an idiot?" He asks giving me a confused look.
"Because Corey, you haven't yet figured out how in love with you I am! No matter how obvious I make it you always just look past it!" I yell. He looks at me with his mouth hanging open.
"Are you serious?!" Corey yells back.
"Yes Corey, is it so hard to believe?" I say.
"Yes! I've- I've been in love with you forever and you're just now telling me you feel the same?! Oh my god," he drops his beer and grabs my face, looking me in the eye for a second before crashing his lips onto mine. The kiss only lasted a few second but it felt like much longer. I pull away to catch my breath and Corey does the same.
"I really am in love with you y/n." He says putting his right hand on the side of my face. I can't help but smile.
"I really am in love with you too Corey."
He smiles and kisses me again, this time more passionate than the last.
"Come on, let's get you home." He says grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.

Hey! I havnt done any 80's-90's boys imagines yet so feel free to leave feedback and suggestions in the comments. I actually need you to comment because I'm bad at coming up with stuff to write. But yeah, hope you liked it.
Love you;)

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