Ponyboy Imagine

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I sit in the middle of the road as the cold rain hits my face and body. I had gotten into yet another fight with my parents and decided to sneak out. I couldn't stand being there anymore. I let the tears fall down my face, as they are masked by the wetness if the rain anyway. Why don't they love me? I think to myself about my parents. Why do they hate me so much? Am I that disappointing?
I soon snap out of my daze and back to reality when I hear a car, which seems to be getting closer and closer but the second. Suddenly I see the bright headlights just a few feet in front of me but still decide not to move. Do I want this to happen?
Just as I sit up a feel a pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up bringing me onto the sidewalk.
"Get off!" I yell shoving the person's hands away. I look up to see who it was that just saved me and see a pale boy, about my age staring down at me with a worried and confused look in his eyes.
"What're you doin' laying in the middle of the road? You coulda' got ran over." The boy says cooly. He doesn't seem all too shocked for someone who just saved me from getting ran over.
"Nothing, look thank you for saving me and all but I gotta go." I say getting up and brushing myself off.
"Wait," the boy says grabbing my hand before I walk away. I finally get a good look at his face a notice he's quite cute. He has pretty bluish grey eyes and dark hair that's now hanging slightly in front of his eyes from the wetness of the rain. I take a deep breath before speaking.
"I got into a fight my parents and didn't want to be there anymore so I left." I say quietly but loud enough t hear over the rain.
"So you decided laying in the middle of the road would help?" He asks chuckling lightly.
"I don't know why I did that, just for the adrenaline I guess." I say looking down. He's quiet for a minute.
"Hey, do you wanna spend the night with me? I know we just met and all but I don't think either of us feel like going back home right now." He twiddles with his fingers while he speaks.
"I'd love to." I smile.
He smiles back and takes my hand lightly in his then starts leading me somewhere. I decide not to ask, but just go along with him quietly. We finally reach a place with a fire pit and a bench, with a beautiful view of the sky. We sit down and I sigh.
"They're beautiful," I say pointing to the sky, "the starts."
"Yeah they are aren't they." The boy says, though he's not looking at the sky. I look over and see him staring at me with a slight blush on his face visible in the dark.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing," he responds looking away. "You know, I never got your name." He says still not looking at me.
"Oh, I'm y/n," I say offering him my hand. He takes it and shakes it lightly.
"I'm Ponyboy." He smiles.
"Nice to meet you Ponyboy. Hey aren't you in my English class?"
"Yeah, I say behind you all year last year." He chuckles.
"Oh yeah, you know your poems are really good." I state. When we would have to read our work in front of the class I always found Ponyboy's poems the most captivating.
"Oh, thank you." He giggles slightly, "yours are too."
"Bullshit." I laugh. I'm horrible at spelling and can't write to save my life so I know he's lying. He laughs and nods.
"Ok, so maybe they weren't the best but they definitely weren't as bad as Sadies." He turns to me slightly more than before.
"Oh yeah, those were horrible!"
We both laugh and talk for hours without even realizing. Soon enough, the sky behind to light up again and we were both begining to get tired.
"Well, we should probably get home." Ponyboy says standing up. He sticks both of his hands out to me and I grab them, pulling myself up.
"Yeah, you're probably right."
We both stand there in awkward silence for a minute not knowing what to say.
"It was fun, staying up all night and talking, We should do it again sometime." I say smiling up at him. He smiles back and blushes a bit.
"Yeah, we definitely should." He replies. "You want me to walk you home?"
"Sure, that'd be nice."
Ponyboy walks me all the way to my house and stops at my door. He looks up at the sky then back at my face.
After a second of neither of us doing anything I decide to be bold. I lean in slowly and give him a soft peck on the lips.
"I had a lot of fun Ponyboy." I say quietly.
"Me too." He whispers back.
"Stay here for a second." I say opening the door. I run inside and grab a pen from the kitchen table then rush back outside. I take Ponyboy's hand and write my number on his wrist.
"Call me." I smile. I give him a quick hug, then go inside to face my parents. It would be easier this time though knowing that I'll hopefully see Ponyboy again soon.

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