Last Day of High School

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Officially, the school day at an unnamed high school ends. But it wasn't any ordinary day.

As of now, it was the end of May as a wave of white caps flies into the air. A load sea of students happily jumped around, hugged each other, talked as their final semester in high school has finally ended.

A magnificent day to celebrate for these young adults as they take their first step into life on their own. Make their own choices, get a job, or attend college.

Everyone had a plan after high school.

Especially for a specific graduate.

His name is Y/n, he had finished his third year in high school as his eyes gazes around his now alumis, proud that he was able to go through this journey with them. Even with his best friend, laying his eyes on her as she was hugging her friends and talking.

Her name is Mami Nanami. The blonde girl with pink tips and had really delicate bright blue eyes. Not to mention her white skin that made her more beautiful than she already was.

Mami was Y/n's best friend. His childhood friend as they hung out often and studied together in every school they went to.

Of course, Y/n fell in love with her. It started in the first year of Junior High as he knew that when his heart first numbed for his best friend, it was obvious that he wants to be the one to make her happy forever. But with every chance he tries, it would be denied.

Not that Mami rejected him but he would find out that she was actually going out with a boy in which they broke up a week after. Then she'd find another one a few years later and that didn't end well.

If he had to be honest, he had a few chances after her breakups with them. Instead, he took his time because he thought that she needed someone to lean on during the two awful breakups. The look on her crying face when she hugged him tightly on the couch, it pained him with anger and sadness.

Nothing could be done though, it was all in the past as he was there for her when she needed him the most. For that time, he was going to confess to her when he is ready.

And that time is now.

"Y/n!~" a voice calls to him, he turns to see Mami who was smiling brightly in her white graduation gown. "Hey, Mami!" He smiles back and gives her a hug. "We did it!~"

"Yeah, we did..." Y/n says as they broke the hug and took a stroll from the ceremony and into the parking lot where Y/n and Mami hopped into the boy's coupe and start taking off their gown. Under Y/n's was a white shirt and a pair of black pants while the girl had on a casual dress to match with her white and pink sneakers. "Man, that was tiring..."

The girl nods. "Tell me about it! We only have a few months until we go back to school!"

"Yeah, only it's college and it's harder..."

He starts up his vehicle and tunes their favorite song on. They sang along to the lyrics as the drive was pretty much just exploring. Wandering around to see where the road would take them within the state.

Y/n was in his thoughts while driving. He feels like it was finally time to spill the beans to Mami but when and how should he say it?

"Hey, Y/n?"

"What's up, Mami?"

"Do you think..." she starts to fidget in her seat with her hands on her lap. "Do you think... we can... do it?"

His eyes darts a look at her. "Are you sure? We almost got in trouble the last time..."

"We did it before... I like the adrenaline rush, that's why..."

Mami Nanami x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now